JDP (JURNAL DINAMIKA PEMERINTAHAN) 2024-01-30T17:22:43+07:00 Amir Syamsuadi [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="border: 2px dashed #b4570d; padding: 4px; background-color: #f4e9e0;">Jurnal Dinamika Pemerintahan (JDP) merupakan jurnal yang dikelola oleh program studi Ilmu Pemerintahan&nbsp; Universitas Abdurrab, Pekanbaru. JDP terbit secara berkala pada bulan Januari dan Agustus setiap tahunnya. JDP memiliki tujuan untuk membangun intelektualitas dan mengembangkan ilmu pengetahuan melaui tulisan, penelitian dan kajian-kajian tentang politik dan dinamika pemerintahan yang berkembang pada level nasional dan juga lokal. Para pengkaji ilmu sosial dan politik dapat memberikan kontribusi tulisan pada JDP berupa perdebatan kontemporer ataupun analisis historis, dan juga analisis isu yang memiliki pengaruh terhadap kebijakan (policy relevance).<br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="100%"></a></p> ANALISIS SINERGITAS AKTOR GOOD GOVERNANCE DALAM PENGELOLAAN SAMPAH KOTA PEKANBARU 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 M Fajar Anugerah [email protected] Muhammad Fadhli [email protected] Mhd Rafi Yahya [email protected] <p>Among the environmental issues that are of concern in sustainable development is waste management. This can be done through synergy in the form of good coordination between the government, the private sector and the community so that later it will generate public awareness in the process of reducing, recycling and using environmentally friendly waste processing technologies. The phenomenon of decreasing public awareness in Pekanbaru City regarding waste management that has an impact on health and reducing environmental impacts is an urgency in this research. So this study aims to analyze the synergy of good governance actors in waste management efforts in Pekanbaru City. This study used a qualitative method involving the people of Pekanbaru City as informants in this study. Collecting data in this study using a purposive sampling technique. The use of this technique can help researchers to determine the suitability of informants with the theme of this research. The results of this study are that the synergy between good governance actors has been going well by carrying out their respective functions, especially in waste management. Consistency and awareness of each actor is expected so that there is synergy in cleaning management, especially in waste management in order to create a civilized city of Pekanbaru.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMBANGUNAN KAWASAN PERBATASAN: EFEKTIVITAS PENGELOLAAN KAWASAN PERBATASAN LAUT DI KABUPATEN BINTAN 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 Ardi Putra [email protected] Rizky Octa Putri Charin [email protected] Khairi Rahmi [email protected] <p>Bintan Regency is one of the districts included in the border development priority of 4 Lokpri sub-districts, there are still obstacles that affect the effectiveness of this policy. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of border area management in Bintan Regency. The method used is a literature study by collecting and analyzing data from various sources. The results of the research show that from 2020-2024 the central government and regional governments have carried out development activities for community welfare, both for basic services and improving the community's economy. There are also major challenges faced by the border management section which is still under the coordination of the regional secretariat (Setda ) and do not yet have full authority in managing budgets and programs, limitations in decision making, complex coordination, limited human resources, and financial limitations.</p> 2024-01-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## DISHARMONISASI KEPALA DAERAH (ANALISIS FRAMING ROBERT N. ENTMAN PADA PEMBERITAAN MEDIA ONLINE ULASAN.CO) 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 Ella Afnira [email protected] Eki Darmawan [email protected] Ryan Anggria Pratama [email protected] <p><em>This research aims to understand and analyze how the online media outlet frames the news about the leadership of the Governor and Deputy Governor of the Riau Islands, where three months after their inauguration, they were hit by issues of disharmony. is the most prominent online media platform in the Riau Islands that frequently highlights these issues. This study analyzes the news texts from titled "Dirty Plates" Amid the Ansar-Marlin Dispute. The research findings indicate that's news framing is considered to lack "covering both sides" as it tends to present statements from only one party. The analysis is conducted using Robert N. Entman's framing model, yielding the following results: Problem Identification (identifying the problem's causes) is attributed to internal political conflict; Diagnose Causes (assessing the root causes) point to the Deputy Governor; Make Moral Judgements (moral evaluation) involve the professional stance of the Governor in maintaining governance continuity; and Treatment Recommendations (problem-solving and resolution) involve the call for resolving the issues and conflicts between the Governor and Deputy Governor, thereby allowing them to collaborate once again in advancing the Riau Islands Province</em>.</p> 2024-01-30T14:09:35+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EVALUASI PERATURAN DAERAH KABUPATEN SIDOARJO NOMOR 3 TAHUN 2016 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 Estu Kusumawardani [email protected] Arimurti Kriswibowo [email protected] <p><em>The Sidoarjo Regency Government created Sidoarjo Regency PERDA Number 3 of 2016 concerning the Arrangement and Empowerment of Street Vendors as a response to the proliferation of street vendors. One of the street vendors that is of concern is Gading Fajar street vendors, numbering 1,200 street vendors. This research aims to determine the evaluation of Sidoarjo Regency PERDA Number 3 of 2016 using a qualitative case study method written descriptively. This PERDA evaluation uses the theory of William N. Dunn (2003) which has six criteria, namely effectiveness, efficiency, adequacy, alignment, responsiveness and accuracy. The research results show that based on effectiveness criteria, PERDA is still not effective because the achievement of objectives and involvement of the authorities has not been optimal. However, there is effectiveness in monitoring the arrangement of street vendors by the Sidoarjo Regency Satpol PP. From the efficiency criteria, it shows that the arrangement of street vendors is efficient in terms of time and resources, but not yet efficient in terms of costs. From the adequacy criteria, it shows that the PERDA is not sufficient as a guideline for structuring and empowering street vendors because the Sidoarjo Regency Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises Service has not implemented it optimally so that the Sidoarjo Regency Satpol PP is more dominant in enforcing it themselves. From the leveling criteria, it shows that the distribution of facilities and infrastructure and the distribution of costs is still not evenly distributed, but there is some leveling in socialization by the Sidoarjo Regency Satpol PP. From the responsiveness criteria, it shows that the Sidoarjo Regency Cooperatives and Micro Enterprises Service and the Sidoarjo Regency Satpol PP received various responses of acceptance and rejection but they were able to overcome them and Gading Fajar Street Vendors continue to wait for empowerment from the authorities. From the accuracy criteria, it shows that the accuracy of objectives and benefits are still not balanced because its implementation in Gading Fajar is still focused on structuring and has not yet led to empowerment.</em></p> 2024-01-30T14:49:56+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTASI KEBIJAKAN PROGRAM REHABILITASI RUMAH TIDAK LAYAK HUNI DI KOTA SURABAYA (STUDI KASUS KELURAHAN SAWUNGGALING) 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 Jesica Angel Putri Setyawan [email protected] Ananta Prathama [email protected] <p><em>The city of Surabaya as the capital of East Java cannot be separated from the problem of slums and uninhabitable settlements. Therefore, the Surabaya City Government issued Surabaya Mayor Regulation number 9 of 2022 and number 35 of 2022 concerning Social Rehabilitation of Uninhabitable Houses in order to improve the quality of residences to become healthy and livable houses. This research aims to describe the implementation of the Social Rehabilitation Program Policy for Uninhabitable Houses in the City of Surabaya, especially in Sawunggaling Village. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative to obtain written data through interviews, observation and documentation. The research results show that the implementation of the Social Rehabilitation of Uninhabitable Houses (RS-RUTILAHU) program policy in Sawunggaling District, Surabaya City has been implemented quite well. In its implementation, the Department of Housing and Settlement Areas and Sawunggaling Village work together to convey information to implementers, carry out outreach and supervise program implementers. The obstacle in implementing this program is that in carrying out house repairs, there are still some residents' houses that are not of good quality. Increased supervision is needed in carrying out house repairs so that residents can receive assistance evenly</em><em>.</em></p> <p><em>Keywords: Implementation, social welfare, poverty, social rehabilitation of uninhabitable houses</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-01-30T15:10:17+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH KEPEMIMPINAN KEPALA DESA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN WISATA BAHARI TLOCOR DESA KEDUNGPANDAN KECAMATAN JABON KABUPATEN SIDOARJO 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 Ariskha Damaiyanti [email protected] Hendra Sukmana [email protected] <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>This</em> <em>research aims to analyze and explain the role of the village head's leadership in the development of Tlocor Marine Tourism and to assess the significant impact of the village head's leadership on this development. The methodology used is a descriptive approach with a quantitative approach, which includes descriptions of respondents and research variables in the form of frequency tables and percentages of questionnaire results, as well as data analysis with simple linear regression using SPSS V.23 software. The population in this study included 3,564 respondents, and the research sample consisted of 193 respondents selected based on the Slovin formula. The research results show that the leadership of the village head has a positive influence on the development of Tlocor Marine Tourism, with a significance value of 0.00 &lt; 0.05. The calculated t value</em> <em>&nbsp;</em><em>of 17.920 exceeds the t table</em><em>&nbsp;of 1.653, so the research hypothesis is accepted (Ha is accepted and H</em><em>0</em><em> is rejected). In addition, the correlation coefficient (R) of 0.792 describes the level of relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Meanwhile, the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.627, which means that the village head's leadership contributed 62.7% to the development of Tlocor Marine Tourism, while 37.3% of his relatives were influenced by other factors not included in this research.</em></p> 2024-01-30T15:38:56+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM KETAHANAN PANGAN DALAM BIDANG PERTANIAN DI DESA MAYANG SARI 2024-01-30T17:22:42+07:00 Seri Hartati [email protected] Mhd Rafi Yahya [email protected] Sutrisno Sutrisno [email protected] <p>This research aims to examine the implementation of food resiliencecprograms, including: the implementation of food resilience programs in the field of red chili farming in Mayang Sari Village, the causes of not optimal implementation of food security programs in the village. Based on pre-research research, it is known that Mayang Sari Village was the village that started the food security program first even though it used private funds and land and did not receive support from the village government. This study used qualitative research methods. The types and sources of data in this research consist of primary data and secondary data whose sources were obtained through interviews and documentation, then analyzed qualitatively. Meanwhile, the theory used is Siagian Theory regarding things that must be considered in implementing a program. The results of the research show that there are criteria for implementing a food security program, namely: targets to be achieved, the need for a time period to complete the work, costs required, types of activities to be carried out, and skilled workers in their respective fields. This shows that it has not been implemented effectively. The causes that influence the implementation of food security programs in the agricultural sector are the village government itself and natural factors.</p> 2024-01-30T16:43:52+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISIS PROGRAM PEMBERDAYAAN KAMPUNG BINAAN KELUARGA SAKINAH (KBKS) DI KAMPUNG BUANTAN LESTARI KECAMATAN BUNGA RAYA KABUPATEN SIAK 2024-01-30T17:22:43+07:00 Fajar Alan Syahrier [email protected] <p>The Kampung Binaan Keluarga Sakinah (KBKS) Empowerment Program in Buantan Lestari Village, Bunga Raya District, Siak Regency, is an initiative to improve the welfare and empowerment of the local community. This research aims to conduct an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness and impact of the program implementation.&nbsp; The research method used is descriptive qualitative method. Data was collected through interviews with relevant parties, direct observation in the field, and analysis of documents related to the program. The results showed that the KBKS program was carried out in the form of skills training, religious education, and local potential development. The existence of active community participation in various program activities shows the high level of awareness and enthusiasm of residents towards empowerment. The KBKS program also makes a positive contribution to increasing the community movement that lays the foundation for the framework and agenda of socio-cultural development reform in an effort to create a community of faith and devotion.</p> 2024-01-30T17:04:25+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##