JOMIS (Journal of Midwifery Science) 2024-08-01T07:49:19+07:00 Wiwi Sartika Open Journal Systems <p style="border: dashed 2px #4a089a; background-color: #eef4f7; text-align: justify; padding: 4px;">JOMIS (Journal Of Midwifery Science) atau Jurnal Ilmu Kebidanan menerima berbagai artikel/naskah berupa hasil penelitian asli yang relevan dengan bidang kebidanan yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan masyarakat. JOMIS terbit 2 kali dalam setahun yaitu bulan Januari dan bulan Juli dengan ISSN : <a href=";1479702930&amp;676&amp;&amp;2016">2549-2543</a> dan E-ISSN : <a href=";1486701306&amp;1&amp;&amp;2017">2579-7077</a><br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="100%"></a></p> PENGARUH DUKUNGAN KELUARGA MELAKUKAN PIJAT OKSITOSIN TERHADAP KELANCARAN ASI PADA IBU MENYUSUI 2024-07-29T21:30:43+07:00 Dewi Andariya Ningsih Innama Sakinah Siti Rohmah Nur Aisyah Syifa Fadhilah Syarifatul Hasanah <table width="650"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="482"> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>The important role of the family in the mother's ability to provide exclusive breastfeeding to her child is one factor. The mother gets full support so she can care for her child well. The external factor that most influences the success of exclusive breastfeeding is family support. Exclusive breastfeeding will not be successful if family support is lacking. Some breastfeeding mothers still have difficulty producing breast milk in the right way. Three-quarters of a dozen breastfeeding mothers were respondents in this study. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires, SOP sheets and observation sheets. Data analysis was carried out by considering research ethics and using editing, coding and tabulation. Analysis was carried out before and after intervention using the McNemar test. The aim is to find out how family support influences oxytocin massage for ease of breastfeeding. There is strong evidence that there is a substantial change in breastfeeding fluency between pretest and posttest, as shown by the findings of the McNemar test which produces a significance value (sig.) of 0.00. The operational area of ​​the Arjasa Community Health Center will be the research location from October 2022 to January 2023. Based on the Chi Square test findings, characteristics that can interfere with smooth breastfeeding do not show a significant relationship. It is recommended that more research be carried out to find out whether maternal massage significantly affects how well breast milk flows.</em></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> 2024-07-29T09:44:16+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH MASSAGE EFFLEURAGE TERHADAP PENGURANGAN NYERI PADA IBU BERSALIN KALA I 2024-07-29T21:30:44+07:00 Nurmaliza Nurmaliza Yusmaharani Yusmaharani Desmariyenti Desmariyenti <p><em>Pain during labor is a manifestation of contractions (shortening) of the uterine muscles. This contraction causes pain in the waist, stomach area and spreads towards the thighs. The level of labor pain is described by the intensity of pain perceived by the mother during the birth process, if not handled properly, it can increase anxiety or worry to the point of depression and has the effect of increasing the hormone adrenaline, affecting the mother's cardiac output and decreasing uteroplacental perfusion and can cause prolonged labor. One step in reducing pain is with effleurage massage. This research uses a quasi experimental approach method. This study aims to determine the effect of effleurage massage on reducing labor pain in the first stage. The population in this study was all mothers in the first stage of labor at the Pratama Guava Rose Clinic. The sample collection method was purposive sampling with a sample size of 15 people. Data were collected using a pain intensity scale during the pretest before the intervention and posttest after the intervention. The results of research from univariate data showed that the average labor pain before effleurage massage was 6.66 with a standard deviation of 2.02, while the results after effleurage massage were 4.20 with a standard deviation of 1.14. The results of the bivariate research showed that there was an effect of effleurage massage on reducing pain in the first stage of labor with a p-value of 0.000. It is hoped that respondents and health workers can apply the effleurage massage technique during labor to help reduce the pain felt during labor so as to increase maternal comfort.</em></p> 2024-07-29T10:09:16+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN KADAR VITAMIN B12 IBU HAMIL ANEMIA TRIMESTER III TERHADAP BERAT BADAN BAYI LAHIR 2024-07-29T21:30:44+07:00 Citra Dewi Anitasari <p style="line-height: 100%; margin-bottom: 0in;" align="justify"><em>Anemia in pregnancy is a common health problem that occurs in the world, especially in development countries. Anemia during pregnancy due to deficiency of micronutrients such as iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid. Anemia is a condition in which red blood cell (erythrocytes) in blood circulation or hemoglobin mass are unable to fulfill its function as a carrier of oxygen throughout the tissues. Iron is a common cause of anemia but other nutritional iron deficiencies such as vitamin B12, vitamin C, folic acid and vitamin A can also cause anemia. Vitamin B12 deficiency not only triggers anemia but also can disrupt the nervous system. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between serum vitamin B12 levels of anemia during pregnancy on newborn birth weight. This is a cross sectional study. The population of study is all anemia during pregnancy who come to Lubuk Buaya Primary Health Care. The sample study that meets inclusion criteria amounting to 40 respondents taken with consecutive sampling technique. Examination of vitamin B12 levels was done in the Biomedical Laboratory of Andalas University by ELISA method. Statistical test using SPSS, Normality test with Shapiro-Wilk and Spearman test to see the relationship between vitamin B12 levels on newborn birth weight. The results showed that vitamin B12 average level of anemia during pregnancy on newborn birth weight 299,53 ± 98,46 with p&gt; 0,05, r = 0,161. The conclusion of study is there is a possitive and not significant correlation between vitamin B12 levels of anemia during pregnancy with newborn birth weight. It is recommended that pregnant women continue to consume Fe tablet during pregnancy and further research to see maternal obedience in consume Fe tablets.</em></p> 2024-07-29T10:51:49+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## EFEKTIFITAS ABDOMINAL LIFTING TERHADAP NYERI PADA IBU BERSALIN KALA I DI KLINIK PRATAMA JAMBU MAWAR 2024-07-29T21:30:46+07:00 Rini Hariani Ratih Yusmaharani Yusmaharani <p><em>Pain during labor is a manifestation of contractions (shortening) of the uterine muscles. This contraction causes pain in the waist, stomach area and spreads towards the thighs. The level of labor pain is described by the intensity of pain perceived by the mother during the birth process, if not handled properly, it can increase anxiety or worry to the point of depression and has the effect of increasing the hormone adrenaline, affecting the mother's cardiac output and decreasing uteroplacental perfusion and can cause prolonged labor. One step in reducing pain is by applying abdominal lifting. The research method uses a quasi experimental approach. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of abdominal lifting in reducing labor pain. The population in this study was all mothers in the first stage of labor at the Pratama Guava Rose Clinic. The sample collection method was purposive sampling with a sample size of 15 people. Data were collected using a pain intensity scale during the pretest before the intervention and posttest after the intervention. The results of the univariate research showed that the average labor pain before the abdominal lifting technique was 6.80 with a standard deviation of 1.85, while the results after the abdominal lifting technique were 3.93 with a standard deviation of 1.09. The results of the bivariate research showed that the abdominal lifting technique was effective in reducing pain in the first stage of labor with a p value of 0.002. It is hoped that respondents and health workers can apply the abdominal lifting technique during labor to help reduce the pain felt during labor so as to increase maternal comfort.</em></p> 2024-07-29T11:17:24+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## TEKNIK ABDOMINAL LIFTING MENCEGAH NYERI PERSALINAN KALA I DI PMB KABUPATEN MALANG 2024-07-29T21:30:47+07:00 Raden Maria Veronika Widiatrilupi Rosyidah Alfitri <p><em>One of the non-pharmacological measures that can reduce labor pain is the provision of abdominal lifting. Abdominal lifting is a technique of giving opposite strokes towards the top of the abdomen without applying pressure down the back which aims to reduce pressure on the lower back of the laboring mother which is applied from the beginning of labor to the next stage using the gravity technique. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of abdominal lifting techniques to prevent labor pain. Thus, the lack of references regarding this technique supports the implementation of this study. This type of research is a quasi experiment with pre-post design. The population consisted of 50 respondents with a sample size of 36 respondents who were divided into treatment groups and control groups. Giving abdominal lifting techniques is done every time there is a contraction given for 15 minutes with the patient lying down. This research was conducted at PMB Yuni Ermawati - Pagelaran in March - June 2023. The measuring instrument used is the numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) which is measured at opening 3 and opening 8. By using a diagrammatic data presentation on the pain intensity of the two groups and analyzing the data in analyzing the group differences, the P-value of the mann-whitney test shows the results of the study after giving the abdominal lifting technique 0.00 &lt;0.05 on the difference between the treatment group and the control group. The conclusion of this study is that the provision of abdominal lifting techniques can prevent labor pain in the first stage. Further research is recommended to conduct comparisons between pharmacological techniques with research designs on each opening of labor.</em></p> 2024-07-29T11:39:31+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PEMANFAATAN PELAYANAN KESEHATAN DI POSYANDU LANSIA WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS TUALANG KABUPATEN SIAK 2024-07-29T21:30:47+07:00 Erna Widyawati Jasrida Yunita Novita Rany Hetty Ismainar Ahmad Hanafi <p><em>In Indonesia, visits to elderly posyandu (integrated health service posts) are generally below target, particularly in Siak Regency, Riau Province, where elderly health services have been declining annually, especially at Tualang Health Center. This study aims to understand elderly behavior in utilizing health services through knowledge, attitudes, actions, and health center efforts. This qualitative study employs a phenomenological design and was conducted in the working area of Tualang Health Center, Siak Regency, from March to May 2024. The total number of informants is 24, consisting of 9 main informants—3 active elderly (AE) who visit posyandu monthly, 3 inactive elderly (IE) who missed posyandu visits three times a year, and 3 non-attending elderly (NE) who never visit posyandu. Additionally, there are 15 supporting informants, including family members, the head of the health center, elderly program managers, midwives, and 3 cadres. Data processing utilized data triangulation and thematic analysis. The study found that AE and IE have better knowledge compared to NE due to their participation in posyandu activities. All elderly informants had a positive attitude towards the quality of health services at posyandu. AE tend to visit posyandu regularly due to easy access, transportation, and family support, while IE and NE are less active due to distant access, limited transportation, and lack of family support. It is recommended that the health center empower elderly families to increase elderly participation in utilizing health services.</em></p> 2024-07-29T14:24:07+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERUBAHAN BERAT BADAN ASEPTOR KB SUNTIK 3 BULAN DI PUSKESMAS KOTA KARANG: SURVEI ANALITIK 2024-07-29T21:30:48+07:00 Gladeva Yugi Antari Herliana Herliana Rahmah Fitria <p><em>The increase in side effects associated with the 3-month injectable contraceptive method is consistent with the number of people choosing to use this approach. One of the potential adverse effects of using 3-month injectable birth control is changes in body weight. Maternal health is not affected by this adverse effect, although it may cause 3-month contraceptive acceptors to switch methods or stop using contraception altogether. This research aims to understand the changes in weight gain of birth control acceptors over 3 months. The research method used is a correlational analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach. The sampling technique used total sampling with 29 respondents from March to April 2024. Research was conducted at the Karang City Health Center using primary and secondary data using methods such as observation sheets, questionnaires, and measuring the actual body weight of respondents. The results of this study showed that the majority of respondents experienced weight gain of 69% with a weight gain of ≥ 5 kg amounting to 9 people (31.1%), 3-4 kilograms amounting to 6 people (20.7%), and 1-2 kg by 5 people (17.2%).</em></p> 2024-07-29T14:49:08+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN BERAT BADAN LAHIR DAN MASA GESTASI DENGAN TUMBUH KEMBANG PADA BALITA DI POSYANDU DESA SUNGAI LALA 2024-07-29T21:30:49+07:00 Putri Wulandini Yulia Febrianita Rostia Febriani <p><em>Birth Weight (BBL) is the weight measured within the first hour after birth, normally 2.500-4.000 grams. The gestation period is defined as the period of pregnancy starting from conception until birth of the fetus. The toddler years are a period of very rapid and critical growth, usually known as the golden age. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between Birth Weight (BBL) and gestation period with growth and development in toddlers at Posyandu Titi Harum, Sungai Lala Village. This type of research is quantitative with a correlational approach. This research was carried out at Posyandu Titi Harum and Kasih Ibu, Sungai Lala Village. In November 2023. The population in this study was 95 respondents using a total sampling technique. Bivariate data analysis technique, data collection method using the KPsp questionnaire sheet. The results showed that toddlers in the normal BBL category (67,37%), abnormal BBL (32,63%), premature (25,26%), not premature (74,74%), had appropiate growth and development (67,37%) and not appropriate (32,63%). The results of the chi-square test obtained a p-value = 0,001 which shws that there is a significant between birth weight and gestation period and the growth and development of toddlers at Posyandu Titi Harum and Kasih Ibu Sungai Lala Village in. It&nbsp; is hoped that monitoring of growth and development will be further improved through routine early detection of deviations in children. </em></p> 2024-07-29T21:07:37+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## ALAT PERAGA MODEL UTERUS UNTUK SIMULASI PERDARAHAN, KOMPRESI BIMANUAL INTERNA DAN PEMASANGAN KONDOM KATETER 2024-07-29T21:30:49+07:00 Dian Kartikasari Linda Yuliana Salawane <p><em>Bimanual compression (BC) and uterine balloon tamponade (UBT) are skills that midwifery students should achieve in midwifery emergency care, especially in atonic post partum haemorrhage (PPH) treatment as WHO recommendation. BC is performed by applying internal lower uterine pressure on anterior fornix of the uterus. While UBT can be performed by inserting a condom loaded foley’s catheter into the uterus and filled with saline. The aim is to press the blood vessels in the uterine cavity. For bimanual compression practice in the laboratory, students usually use a rubbered uterus model that can be pumped to simulate a soft and hardened uterus, but this model cannot be used to insert UBT because there is no cavity inside. The aim of this research is to create a uterine model that can provide bleeding simulation and perform bimanual compression and UBT. The research method is research and development (R&amp;D). The total sample was 30 respondent, involving lecturers and clinical perceptor of Midwifery Department Poltekkes Kemenkes Sorong. The data was analyzed by changing the qualitative value to quantitative using a Likert scale then calculating the average score and cenverting it back to a qualitative value. Feasibility analysis by calculating the total respondent's score compared to the ideal score. The research results showed that the mean value was 6.45, which means that respondents strongly agreed (range 6.15-7.00) that this model is feasible, with a feasibility percentage of 91.85%. It is expected that this product can improve students' skills in performing bimanual compression and UBT</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-07-29T21:27:26+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN BACKGROUND KELUARGA DENGAN SIKAP KELUARGA PADA KASUS RUJUKAN KEGAWATDARURATAN MATERNAL 2024-08-01T07:49:19+07:00 Ina Indrati Prawasti Rahayuningtyas Andrio Iznih Rahmi Lessy <p><em>Maternal emergencies can occur during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, if not treated immediately, it can cause maternal and fetal death. Maternal neonatal emergencies can be prevented if first aid is provided for obstetric emergencies in mothers and babies. It also depends on the family's attitude in responding to this event. Family background includes age, knowledge and economic support/employment is one of the supporters of family attitudes in referring emergencies. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between family background and family attitudes in cases of emergency for pregnant women. This correlational research design with a cross sectional approach has a population of all family members of pregnant women at TPMB Kartini during November 2023 to April 2024. This research uses accidental sampling on pregnant women experiencing emergencies in the last 6 months, the sample obtained is 30 respondents. The instrument in the study was given to family members to fill out a questionnaire provided by the researcher. Data analysis of this study used gamma and somers'd correlation tests. The results of this study obtained a P value in the age category with an attitude of p = 0.003 r = 0.6; in the education category with an attitude of p = 0.01 r = 0.42 and in the employment category with an attitude of p = 0.001 r = 0.82. It can be concluded that there is a relationship between family background (age, education and occupation) and attitude in cases of referral of maternal emergencies. Further research is recommended to analyze the delay in referral of emergencies as a source of reference for anticipatory measures of maternal and fetal mortality</em></p> 2024-07-29T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##