Non Prolifration Treaty Senjata Nuklir dalam Perspektif Postmodernisme; Pengembangan Nuklir Iran

  • Silsila Asri


This paper is purposed to explain the effectivity of non proliferation of nuclear weapons based on postmodernism perspective. Nuclear is a product of knowledge which was supported by power in its proliferation. In this case, postmodernism assumes that every knowledge is used by power to reach its objectives that no objective truths that are accompanied every knowledge. Nowdays nuclear has become a product that made every country involved in debate and disputes.  In order to manage the proliferation of nuclear,  great power countries whose has nuclear arranged NPT (non Proliferation treaty of nuclear weapon). NPT is a form of global governance that are tried to engaged every country to prolifate nuclear for peace and economic purpose. Contrary to this, Iran is prohibited to prolifate its nuclear and the great power attempt to imposed saction to Iran. In other chance Iran still have a solid desire to improve its nuclear and refused the UN and international recommendation. This conditions reflect that NPT regime fail to accommodate all its members values, ideas and truth in a concensus meaning.    

Keywords: Nuclear Weapon, Iran, Postmodernism

Keywords: Nuclear weapon, Iran, Postmodernism
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