Liberalisasi Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia dalam Kerangka World Trade Organization Agreement on Agriculture (WTO-AoA)

  • Yuniarti Yuniarti


Food security was a focus of Indonesia’s agricultural policy in 1980s to 1990s. The effort to achieve food security was liberalizing agriculture sector by reducing import tariff for certain comodities. This article describes the reasons of such liberalization, it’s implementation, and it’s impact on Indonesia’s agriculture sector. Liberalization was enforced by WTO – Indonesia agreement on WTO AoA which retified by UU No.7 Tahun 1994 and IMF structural adjudgement 1998 to relief 1997 economic crisis. Unfortunately, these efforts had negative impact on the agriculture sector, such as the increasing of agricultural product import which caused decreasing of farmers income in return, and food security still remained.

 Keywords: agriculture liberalization, food security, WTO AoA.


Keywords: agriculture liberalization, food security, WTO, AoA
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