Peran End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (Ecpat) Internasional dalam Menanggulangi Kasus Child Trafficking di Albania (2007-2012)

  • Adni Luthfi Rafiqa
  • Faisyal Rani



This research purposes to explain about the role of End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes (ECPAT) International to solve child trafficking case in Albania (2007-2012). ECPAT International is a non-governmental organization which take focus on solving child trafficking case and ECPAT International has had affiliate in some country in the world, one of them is Albania. Author analyzes and explain about child trafficking condition which is occured in Albania, like child prostitution, child pornography, child image abuse and child sex tourism. It further shows how the role of a non-governmental organization, such as ECPAT International. This research uses pluralism perspective by Diana L Eck, with group behavior analyzed level and the role of international organization theory by Clive Archer. It argue that child trafficking condition which is occured in Albania has taken great portion on focus from ECPAT International until ECPAT International makes the effort to do coalition with Albanian government to solve child trafficking case and also do coalition with some non-governmental organization which is focused to solve human trafficking case especially child trafficking.

Keyword: child trafficking, role, ECPAT International, coalition, and non-governmental organization.

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