Peran UNDP dalam Pencapaian Millenium Development Goals untuk Menanggulangi Kemiskinan dan Kelaparan di India

  • Dewinta Stanie Universitas Riau


This study discusses the role of UNDP in the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGS) to reduce poverty and hunger in India. UNDP is the UN specialized agency that has the responsibility to monitor the achievement of the MDGs in developing countries. In addition, UNDP is also has a duty to address the problem of poverty in developing countries. India is a second biggest country in the world with impressive economic growth, but behind it is still acute poverty and hunger in this country. As a UN member states, India signed the Millennium Declaration adopted by the UN in 2000 in the agreement that gave birth to the Millennium Development Goals. The MDGs are a framework relating to the global challenges that will be faced by countries in the future. MDGs aim to tackle global challenges with the cooperation of developed countries and developing countries. The research focus is on achieving the MDGs in India in tackling poverty and hunger are on the first goal. In achieving the first goal, UNDP role to assist the government of India in reducing poverty through programs and policies made by the Indian government. The assistance in the form of provision of funds, institutional development, and policy development skills. However, to achieve the first objective of the MDGs, India facing several challenges and obstacles.

Keywords: India, Millennium Development Goals, UNDP, poverty, hunger

Keywords: India, MDGs, UNDP, Poverty, Hunger
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