Strategi Indonesia Menjaga Keamanan Wilayah Perbatasan Terkait Konflik Laut Cina Selatan pada Tahun 2009-2014

  • Akmal Akmal Universitas Riau
  • Pazli Pazli


This research aimed to describe how the Indonesian strategy to maintain security-related border areas of the South China Sea conflict in 2009-2014. South China Sea conflict until now have been not found a point of completion. Conflict continues to grow with the increasing military power among claimant states. Escalation of the conflict surely threaten security in the region. Although not a claimant states, Indonesia have a direct border with the South China Sea and has an interest in those waters, that isĀ  politically economic and security stability. Indonesia conducted few steps to secure the interests in Indonesia conducted few steps to secure the interest and maintaining security strategy, especially directly adjacent to the South China Sea.This research used qualitative methods, realism perpective, using level analysis of the nation-state and also use the theory of security strategy. Results of this research is the increasing capability of Indonesian military through Minimum Essential Force (MEF) 2010-2014. The addition of the number of troops and military fleets in Natuna as a form of Indonesia's readiness to face any possibility of conflict. Then Preventive Diplomacy by Indonesia went well for reducing conflict among the claimant states. To increased border management by negotiating border lines with neighboring countries and increase activity in the border region in the form of oil exploration in the waters of Natuna as a form of existence Indonesia in that area.

Keywords: conflict, diplomacy, security, South China Sea

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