Systematic Literature Review on Presbyacusis

  • Donny Haryxon Universitas Abdurrab
  • Sri Marhaeni RSUD dr. Suhatman, MARS, Kota Dumai


Presbyacusis, or age-related hearing loss, is a prevalent condition among the elderly, characterized by a gradual decline in hearing sensitivity, particularly for high-frequency sounds. This systematic literature review synthesizes current research on the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, diagnosis, and management of presbyacusis. The review aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the condition, its impact on quality of life, and the effectiveness of various interventions.Presbyacusis, age-related hearing loss 

Keywords: Presbyacusis, age-related hearing loss
How to Cite
Haryxon, D., & Marhaeni, S. (2024). Systematic Literature Review on Presbyacusis. Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Abdurrab, 2(1), 64-73. Retrieved from
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