Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Abdurrab 2024-06-24T12:55:49+07:00 Apt. Vonny Kurnia Utama M.S Farm [email protected] Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;">JIKA (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Abdurrab) has been published since March 2023 by the Abdurrab University Research and Community Service Institute in Pekanbaru. It is released four times a year: in March, June, September, and December. This journal focuses on the fields of nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, health analysis, and public health. The aim of JIKA is to provide a platform for authors to publish their research findings that are beneficial to the community. The journal offers opportunities for researchers and practitioners in various health disciplines to share knowledge, ideas, and the latest findings in those fields. With its regular publication, JIKA is committed to being a sustainable and influential source of information in the academic and healthcare practice domains. Articles published in JIKA (Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan Abdurrab) cover various topics relevant to the health field. Authors are invited to contribute research articles, literature reviews, case studies, and other scientific contributions related to nursing, midwifery, medicine, pharmacy, physiotherapy, health analysis, and public health. By publishing high-quality articles, JIKA aims to promote the development and understanding of health sciences. The journal also plays a role in disseminating up-to-date information, facilitating dialogue among researchers, practitioners, and academics, and making meaningful contributions to the improvement of healthcare quality.</p> GAMBARAN PERILAKU MASYARAKAT TENTANG VAKSIN COVID-19 2024-06-10T10:11:37+07:00 Andalia Roza [email protected] Depi Anjelina [email protected] <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Behavior is the result of all kinds of experiences and human interactions with the environment that are manifested inthe form of knowledge, attitudes, actions. The purpose of this study was to describe the knowledge, attitudes, and actionsof the community about the covid-19 vaccine in the village of Pulau Birandang Rt 002/Rw 002, Kampa sub-district in2022. This type of research is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study is the people of the island ofBirandang rt</em> <em>002/rw 002 as many as 150 people. Samples were taken by total sampling technique. The research&nbsp; instrument &nbsp;used &nbsp;a&nbsp; questionnaire&nbsp; consisting &nbsp;of &nbsp;21 &nbsp;questions. &nbsp;Data &nbsp;analysis &nbsp;used univariate analysis. From theresults of this study, people's knowledge in the good category is</em> <em>87.3%. The attitude of the community in covid-19vaccine has a positive attitude, namely 52%. Community action in covid-19 vaccine is 64%. Suggestion :It is hoped thatthe public can increase their knowledge of covid-19 vaccine in order to minimize the risk and prevent the occurrence ofthe virus.</em></p> 2024-06-10T09:54:58+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Factors That Influence People To Choose Cupping Therapy At Rumah Sehat Islamic Nurse Pekanbaru City Year 2024 2024-06-10T10:11:37+07:00 Bayu Rizky Alni [email protected] Roni Saputra [email protected] <p><em>Nowadays, complementary medicine is increasingly in demand by the public, including cupping therapy. There are various reasons, factors and considerations that cause a person to prefer cupping complementary treatment over other types of treatment. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence people to choose cupping therapy at Rumah Sehat Islamic Nurse. This study uses a quantitative research approach with descriptive methods. The population in this study were all people who chose cupping therapy at the Islamic Nurse Healthy House. The number of samples in this study were 68 respondents using accidental sampling technique. Unvariate data analysis techniques with data collection techniques using questionnaires. The results obtained from this study based on the mean value show that there is an influence of religious factors that influence people in choosing cupping therapy with a mean value of 14.35; psychological factors with a mean value of 13.46; knowledge factors with a mean value of 13.01; social factors with a mean value of 12.91; economic factors with a mean value of 12.44; cultural factors with a mean value of 11.10; personality factors with a mean niali of 10.07.</em><em>The factor with the highest mean value influencing people to choose cupping therapy is religious factors and the factor with the lowest mean value influencing people to choose cupping therapy is personality factors. Suggestion: so that people can know the factors that influence in choosing cupping therapy and can add insight into cupping therapy.</em></p> 2024-06-10T10:11:23+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Work Accident Risk Analysis Using the HIRADC Method for Container Loading and Unloading Workers at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Pelindo) 1 Dumai in 2023 2024-06-19T06:23:47+07:00 AULIA PUTRI [email protected] YEYEN GUMAYESTY [email protected] YUYUN PRIWAHYUNI [email protected] SUHARMADJI SUHARMADJI [email protected] RISA AMALIA [email protected] <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> <p><strong>HIRADC </strong><em>(Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Determining Control) </em>is one of the K3 programs in ports that identifies hazards in activities or work processes. Initial interview results showed that there had been an incident during the loading and unloading process at PT Pelindo Dumai which caused minor injuries such as slipping, broken bones and hitting the head. Observation results also found that there were workers who did not use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This research aims to determine and analyze the risk of work accidents using the HIRADC method among container loading and unloading workers at PT Pelindo Dumai I in 2023 through the variables of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control. This type of research is observation with a qualitative analytical approach, and was carried out in July 2023 through document searches, direct observation, and in-depth interviews with 5 informants, namely 1 person from the K3 section as key informant, 3 workers loading and unloading crates packing as the main informant and 1 Supervisor as a supporting informant. The results of the research show that in the three stages/process of container loading and unloading, 25 sources of danger have been identified and the results of the risk assessment obtained a low risk level of 20% with a total of 5 sources of danger, a moderate risk level of 44% with a total of 11 sources of danger and a high risk level of 30 % with a total of 9 sources of danger. The form of hazard control commonly implemented at Pelindo I is the use of PPE. The company should remain consistent in implementing briefings and emphasizing the use of PPE. Apart from that, workers also need to take active relaxation breaks to relax muscle tension due to work.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-19T06:23:47+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Acute Toxicity Test Of Guava Seed Ethanol Extract ( Syzygium Malaccense L ) Using The Brine Shrimp Lethality Test ( Bslt ) Method 2024-06-19T06:29:58+07:00 Rahmadani Syafitri [email protected] Rosa Devitria [email protected] <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>People generally treat infectious diseases using synthetic drugs that can have a n5egative impact. Therefore, one way to reduce the impact of synthetic drugs is to use medicinal plants. The meat, seeds, and leaves of <em>Syzygium malaccense</em> show the content of phenolic, flavonoid, and cartonoid compounds that are sources of antioxidant activity and have the opportunity to be used as medicinal plants. The aim of this study is to examine the potential for acute toxicity of <em>Syzygium malaccense</em> extract against the larval artemia salina leach using the BSLT <em>(Brine Shrimp Lethality Test) </em>method shown by the LC<sub>50</sub> to ensure its safety if used by humans and to be the earliest stage for finding a new source of anti-cancer medicine. The extracts were made by maseration using a 96% ethanol solvent. The toxicity test was carried out using the 48-hour-old <em>Artemia salina leach</em> shrimp larva. The results of this study were analysed using the LC<sub>50</sub> probit table for a 96% ethanol extract of rose bol seeds, which is 46,18 ppm. This suggests that the extract is highly toxic to <em>Artemia salina leach</em>.</p> 2024-06-19T06:29:57+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Relationship between Intensity of Smartphone Use and Nomophobia Incidence 2024-06-20T07:19:34+07:00 Bunaiya Siti Aisyah [email protected] <p>The use of smartphone has increased rapidly in recent years, which can cause problems. This study aims to determine the relationship between the intensity of smartphone use and the incidence of nomophobia. This study used descriptive correlation design and cross sectional approach. The sample of this study was 257 respondents who were taken based on inclusion criteria using proportionate stratified random sampling technique. The analysis used was bivariate analysis using the Spearman Rho test. The most results were 215 respondents had the intensity of smartphone use in the moderate category, as many as 8 respondents experienced mild nomophobia (3.7%), 140 respondents experienced moderate nomophobia (65.1%), and 67 respondents experienced severe nomophobia 31.2%). The results of the Spearman Rho test showed that there was a significant relationship between the intensity of smartphone use and the incidence of nomophobia, with a p value (0.000) &lt; α (0.05), with a correlation coefficient of r = 0.377 (moderate relationship) with a positive direction, which means that the higher the intensity of smartphone use, the higher the level of nomophobia. The intensity of smartphone use has a significant relationship with the incidence of nomophobia.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-06-20T07:19:34+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Formulation and Antioxidant Activity of Astaxanthin Cream with Catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) Skin Gelatin as a Stabilizer 2024-06-24T12:55:49+07:00 Azlaini Yus Nasution [email protected] Ruwinda Ruwinda [email protected] Diana Nilawati [email protected] <p>Astaxanthin has antioxidant activity, like other caratenoid compounds. Astaxanthin can protect cells or tissues from oxidative stress-induced damage. This research aims to formulate an astaxanthin cream preparation with the addition of catfish skin gelatin as a stabilizer and evaluate the characteristics of the cream preparation as well as testing the antioxidant activity of astaxanthin and the cream preparation using the DPPH method. Cream preparations are made with varying concentrations of 0; 0.05; 0.1 and 0.2% are named formulas F0, F1, F2, and F3 respectively. Evaluation of cream preparations includes organoleptic observations, homogeneity tests, pH tests, spreadability tests, and viscosity. The results of the organoleptic examination for each formula F0, F1, F2 and F3 are white, pink, red and brick red respectively, all formulas are odorless and are in semi-solid form. The homogeneity test showed that all preparations were homogeneous, the average pH range of the preparations was 6.40 ± 0.10 to 6.46 ± 0.05, the spreadability test was between 5.03 ± 0.05 to 5.16 ± 0.15 cm, viscosity 4984±177 to 6915±134. The evaluation results of the astaxanthin cream preparation have met the requirements. In testing the antioxidant activity of astaxanthin, the IC50 value was 3766.62 ppm, which was classified as inactive, and ascorbic acid as a comparison had an IC50 value of 6,799 ppm, which was classified as very strong. In the antioxidant test of the astaxanthin cream preparation, no antioxidant activity was detected and Garnier cream as a comparison produced an IC50 value of 19512334.96 ppm which was classified as inactive.</p> 2024-06-24T12:55:48+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##