Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm <p style="border: 2px dashed #f7bc4a; padding: 4px; background-color: #ece3d2;">Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Journal of Community Services), with registered number ISSN&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1574753772&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2715-8187&nbsp;</a>(print),&nbsp;<a href="http://issn.pdii.lipi.go.id/issn.cgi?daftar&amp;1509330329&amp;1&amp;&amp;" target="_blank" rel="noopener">2614-7106</a>&nbsp;(online) is a scientific multidisciplinary journal published by Institute of Research and Community Services Universitas Abdurrab. It is in the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to community services. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the area of community services. Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Journal of Community Services), contains various activities of the teaching staff and researchers in handling and managing the various potentials, obstacles, challenges, and problems that exist in society. Implementation of service activities also involve the participation of the community and partners. Service activities are organized into an activity aimed at improving the welfare of society.</p> LPPM Universitas Abdurrab en-US Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2715-8187 <p style="text-align: justify;">1. Copyright of all journal manuscripts is held by the&nbsp;Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin.Formal legal provisions to access digital articles of electronic journal are subject to the provision of the Creative</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">2. Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license (CC BY-NC-SA), which means that Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin is rightful to keep, transfer media/format, manage in the form of databases, maintain, and</p> <p style="text-align: justify;">3. publish articles.Published manuscripts both printed and electronic are open access for educational, research, and library purposes. Additionally, the editorial board is not responsible for any violations of copyright law.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><img id="URvcjJ669bfnmM:" class="rg_ic rg_i" src="" alt="Hasil gambar untuk by-nc-sa" width="69" height="24">&nbsp;licensed under a<a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/">&nbsp;Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.</a></p> PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI EDUKASI DAMPAK PERNIKAHAN DINI TERHADAP KESEJAHTERAAN ANAK DI KABUPATEN KAMPAR https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5551 <p><em>This community service program aims to raise awareness about the impact of early marriage on child development in Kampar Regency, Riau Province. This program was implemented through socialization in three schools: SMA Negeri 1 Bangkinang Kota, SMA Negeri 3 Tapung, and MAN 3 Kampar. The methods used included counseling, group discussions, and provision of data-based educational materials and case studies. The results showed an increased understanding of the physical, psychological and social risks posed by early marriage. The dominant factors influencing early marriage include age at marriage (86%), education level (80%), family economic conditions (90%), access to sexual information (84%), and social norms and pressures (65%). The activity also succeeded in instilling in students an understanding of the importance of education and emotional readiness before marriage. The program recommends a sustainable approach through cross-sectoral cooperation to reduce the number of early marriages. Intensive education, policy support, and family economic empowerment are expected to improve the welfare of the younger generation.</em></p> Ahmad Zikri Muslim Muslim Afdhol Rinaldi Dhiya Dwi Afifah Risa Juita Hafidza Sanshia Arum Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 97 116 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5551 EDUKASI FISIKA MELALUI FILM FIKSI ILMIAH DALAM KEGIATAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5538 <p><em>Technological advances in the era of globalization cannot be separated from the basic concepts of physics, especially in the fields of electricity and magnetism. However, the reality in the field shows that many students have difficulty in understanding these concepts because learning is still theoretical and less interesting. Conventional teaching methods often make it difficult for students to connect theory with application in everyday life. Therefore, this study aims to improve students' physics literacy by utilizing science fiction film media as a more interactive and interesting learning tool. This Community Service (PkM) activity was carried out at SMA Negeri 2 Padalarang involving 63 grade XII science students. This program is designed with an approach that includes providing systematic material, discussion sessions that build conceptual understanding, and demonstrations through science fiction films that are relevant to the topic of electricity and magnetism. The use of films in learning aims to provide a more concrete visual experience so that students can more easily understand the application of physics concepts in various modern technological phenomena. This science fiction film-based approach is effective in increasing students' interest in physics, as shown through active participation in discussions and positive responses through evaluation questionnaires. This is also proven by the results of data analysis showing an increase in the average pretest score of 35.71 to 57.94 in the posttest, with an overall N-Gain value of 0.35 which is included in the moderate category. Thus, the use of science fiction film media can be an innovative alternative in learning physics that is more enjoyable and effective.</em></p> Alfikri Dwi Mauluda Naily Ulya Devi Nurhanivah Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 117 126 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5538 PENINGKATAN KETERAMPILAN BRANDING UMKM TARAKAN MELALUI PEMANFAATAN TEKNOLOGI DIGITAL DI ERA 4.0 https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5522 <p><em>Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Tarakan City often face challenges in utilizing branding and technology in the digital era to enhance the competitiveness of their products, including competing with national brands from outside the city. Limited knowledge of effective branding strategies and a lack of understanding in using technology, such as graphic design and social media, are the main obstacles in expanding their marketing reach. Therefore, based on these issues, a community service program was proposed in the form of seminars and workshops focused on improving branding skills through the uses of digital technology. The implementation method was based on the Project Action Plan (PAP), involving several stages: site survey, preparation, seminar and workshop execution, evaluation and implementation, as well as reporting and publication preparation. The results of this activity showed a positive impact, as the capability of MSME actors in Tarakan City increased in utilizing digital technology to create and manage their branding more effectively, as well as gaining skills in using editing software and social media to support their product promotion. The benefits obtained from this activity not only helped Tarakan MSMEs adapt to the challenges and opportunities of the digital era but also expanded their product marketing reach and enhanced their competitiveness in both local and national markets. Overall, this activity contributed to improving the knowledge, skills, and competitiveness of MSMEs in Tarakan City, while supporting sustainable local economic growth.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Arif Fadllullah Moch. Gilang Elang Perkasa Alpa Rizky Lubis Triyansyah Putri Natasya Lisandra Asriandi Asriandi Rega Rizkan Azizan Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 127 136 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5522 MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN HKI DAN EFISIENSI PEMBUKUAN DENGAN MICROSOFT OFFICE EXCEL UNTUK PELAKU UMKM TARAKAN https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5519 <p><em>Empowerment of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) plays a crucial role in supporting the community's economy. However, many MSME actors face challenges such as low awareness of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and limited use of digital technology in business operations. This community service activity aims to enhance the understanding of MSME actors in Tarakan City regarding the importance of IPR and provide basic skills in digital bookkeeping using Microsoft Excel. The implementation methods include interactive presentations and training with a case study approach. Participants were introduced to the trademark registration process through the Online Single Submission (OSS) system to obtain a Business Identification Number (NIB). Additionally, the Microsoft Excel training focused on creating simple cash tables, automated calculations, and utilizing basic features to support digital financial record-keeping. The results showed an improvement in participants' understanding of the importance of business legality and basic digital bookkeeping skills. A total of 85% of participants stated that the training was highly beneficial in increasing business management efficiency. The outputs of the activity include IPR and Microsoft Excel training modules, training documentation, and evaluation reports. This training is expected to encourage the adoption of digital technology and IPR protection to improve the competitiveness of MSMEs in Tarakan City.</em></p> Muhammad Zidan Fariz Awang Pradana Jabir Anshari Senia Rombe Pabuntang Uways Al-Qorny Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 137 145 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5519 PENYULUHAN DAN PELATIHAN PEMBUATAN SIRUP BUNGA TELANG KELOMPOK PEMBERDAYAAN KESEJAHTERAAN KELUARGA (PKK) DI DESA PANDEAN, KOTA MADIUN https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5486 <p><strong><em>Introduction.</em></strong><em> Along with the issuance of Government Regulation Number 103 of 2014, Article 70 and 71, chapter on community empowerment, states that they can play an active role in efforts to develop traditional health. An active role can be implemented through community empowerment through family health empowerment (PKK) groups using family medicine gardens and skills. Butterfly pea syrup is one form of interesting and innovative processed innovation that can have economic value. Butterfly pea flowers have health benefits and are widely used as herbal medicine by the community. <strong>Method.</strong> The implementation of the activity is through counseling (lectures and discussions) and training. The activity was attended by 20 PKK mothers. The activity began with counseling on the ins and outs of butterfly pea flowers, then training in making butterfly pea flower syrup. <strong>Purpose.</strong> The purpose of this activity is for the community to understand how to make butterfly pea flower syrup so as to produce products with high economic value and explore the local potential of Pandean Village, Madiun City. <strong>Results.</strong> Community service activities were measured by giving questionnaires before and after the activity. The questionnaire given was 10 questions containing questions about butterfly pea flowers and how to make syrup. The results were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test with a sig result of 0.000, which showed a difference before and after the counseling. <strong>Conclusion.</strong> Counseling and training activities for making butterfly pea flower syrup have a positive impact. Counseling can increase understanding of all things butterfly pea flower, and training in making syrup can increase participants' skills. </em></p> Onny Priskila Alfredo Aldo Lily Sulistyowati Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 146 153 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5486 PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT MELALUI EDUKASI DAN SIMULASI TERAPI AKUATIK PADA REHABILITASI PENYINTAS STROKE https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5300 <p><em>Stroke is a disease that attacks blood vessels in the brain that is not contagious, stroke is the third disease after heart disease and cancer that contributes to the highest mortality rate in Indonesia. Post-stroke sufferers can also be called stroke survivors, in stroke survivors there are generally sequelae in the form of functional physical movement barriers which are often referred to as physical disabilities so that stroke survivors experience obstacles to carrying out daily functional activities such as self-care activities, productivity and leisure activities. This program aims to empower the community in achieving an optimal level of independence in carrying out daily life activities to meet basic human needs. In this phase of physical functional rehabilitation of stroke survivors, the empowerment method used is aquatic therapy modality education as a home therapy program. This community empowerment is shown in community groups with mature age, which is more than 25 years old. Lecture and simulation methods were used to provide information and skills to the community about the application of aquatic therapy in the rehabilitation phase of stroke survivors. Evaluation was conducted using a questionnaire. The results of this activity were attended by 73 participants who were members of the study congregation at Mushala Khairan Senden. The results of the pre-test measurement of the level of knowledge about aquatic therapy. The results of the pre-test measurement of the level of knowledge about aquatic therapy for the rehabilitation of stroke survivors showed 68.5% of participants with insufficient knowledge, 24.7% of participants with sufficient knowledge, and 6.8% of participants with good knowledge. Evaluation after the implementation of community service or post-test showed 26% of participants with insufficient knowledge, 35.6% of participants with sufficient knowledge, and 38.4% of participants with good knowledge. In conclusion, community empowerment through lectures and simulations can increase knowledge and skills about aquatic therapy as a modality of home program therapy in the rehabilitation phase of stroke survivors to achieve independence in functional activities in daily life.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Bambang Trisnowiyanto Isna Andriani Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 154 161 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5300 STRATEGI SUKSES PENULISAN PENELITIAN TINDAKAN KELAS BAGI GURU SMA SANTA MARIA PEKANBARU https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5569 <p><em>Class Action Research (PTK) is a type of research carried out by teachers to improve learning practices in the classroom, create effective learning, and at the same time as an effort to increase teacher professionalism. The results of initial observations of research objects found that not all Santa Maria Pekanbaru High School teachers were able to design PTK due to a lack of understanding steps in carrying out PTK and procedures of writing scientific papers, lack of motivation and fighting power in carrying out PTK. PTK writing training activities at Santa Maria Pekanbaru High School will be held in March 2024 who attended of 48 participants. This PKM activity intended to provide information to teachers about the importance of PTK for teachers so that they can solve educational problems and will help improve the quality of education. This training includes several stages, namely planning, presentation of material and participants' discussion. The results of the service activities indicate that teachers understanding of PTK increases and have held discussions related to PTK topics where the final result is that there are 6 (six) teams of teachers who already have PTK topics.</em></p> Teddy Chandra Evelyn Wijaya Stefani Chandra Suyono Suyono Andi Andi Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 162 169 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5569 SOSIALISASI STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN PEMASARAN DIGITAL KELOMPOK PEREMPUAN PEDULI LINGKUNGAN SUMBER JAYA DAN SEJAHTERA DI KABUPATEN REJANG LEBONG BENGKULU https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5565 <p>Kelompok Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan Sumber Jaya dan Sejahtera telah mengembangkan &nbsp;berbagai produk olahan hasil hutan seperti: Dodol Nangka, Stik Nangka, Abon Nangka, Tat Selai Alpukat, Sirop Kecombrang, Peyek Pakis, Stik Pakis dan Peyek Kecombrang. Namun, keberagaman produk tersebut belum mampu memberikan nilai ekonomi yang signifikan bagi pelaku usaha akibat keterbatasan pasar dan penjualan yang masih sempit. Oleh karena itu pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memberikan edukasi kepada anggota kelompok perempuan peduli lingkungan Sumber Jaya dan Sejahtera di Kabupaten Rejang Lebong Provinsi Bengkulu tentang pemasaran produk berbasis digital guna meningkatkan penjualan dan pendapatan kelompok. Metode pengabdian dilakukan dengan observasi untuk mengetahui kebutuhan, menyusun materi sosialisasi, pelaksanaan sosialisasi dan Evaluasi dengan memberikan <em>pretest</em> dan <em>postest</em>. Hasil kegiatan adalah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan para peserta terkait strategi pemasaran digital mulai dari definisi pemasaran digital, platform pemasaran digital, manfaat media sosial dalam strategi pemasaran, tujuan pemasaran digital, keunggulan pemasaran digital, fitur-fitur&nbsp; membantu meningkatkan penjualan di <em>shopee</em>, istilah <em>flase sale</em> di <em>shopee</em>, strategi pemasaran produk via <em>shopee</em>, namun untuk strategi pemasaran produk via <em>shopee </em>perlu ditingkatkan lagi pemahamannya sehingga lebih maksimal. Pengabdian ini membuka wawasan masyarakat terkhusu Kelompok Perempuan Peduli Lingkungan, lebih memperluas jangkauan pasar, meningkatkan daya saing, dan memperoleh pendapatan yang lebih optimal dari produk yang&nbsp; diolah.</p> Fitri Yuwita Sri Wulandari Ika Gusriani Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-27 2025-02-27 8 2 170 177 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5565 PELATIHAN PENINGKATAN KREATIVITAS DAN DESAIN KOMUNIKASI DIGITAL PADA SMP NEGERI 1 TANJUNG PALAS UTARA https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5583 <p><em>Students at SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Palas Utara face challenges in graphic design and digital communication, primarily due to limited technological facilities and a lack of instruction. To address this issue, students received training in Creativity, Design, and Digital Communication. This training enhanced their understanding and skills in using digital technology for creative and academic purposes.</em></p> <p><em>The training utilized several methods, including needs analysis, site surveys, material presentations, and hands-on practice. Students were taught the fundamental principles of graphic design, the use of Canva, and Virtual Reality (VR) technology as an interactive communication medium. The results showed that students improved their understanding of graphic design and digital communication, with some adapting more quickly than others. Out of ten interviewed students, eight were able to grasp the material well, while two faced difficulties due to limited practice time. Additionally, the evaluation revealed that the main obstacles to implementing technology-based learning in schools were limited facilities, such as a lack of computers and an unstable internet connection.</em></p> <p><em>Further training with an extended duration, improved infrastructure, and active teacher involvement in supporting technology-based learning are necessary. Collaboration with universities and external creative communities could also help expand students’ access to higher-quality digital education.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Awang Pradana Yarbania Stesya Sikit. Y Muhammad Yusuf Arjuna Pramudya Renaldi Agung Gunawan Gilberd Lamuel Sihite Asran Asran Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 178 190 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5583 EDUKASI MASYARAKAT TENTANG KESEHATAN MELALUI PEMBUATAN DETERGEN BERBASIS BAHAN ALAM DI KABUPATEN KUBU RAYA https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5694 <p><em>Detergent is one of the essential needs in achieving good hygiene standards, which in turn can improve public health.</em> <em>The use of natural ingredients, such as pandan and lime, has great potential to have a positive impact on the health of the community Kubu Raya. This PKM program on making natural ingredient-based detergents aims to improve the community's knowledge and skills regarding health, especially in the use of natural ingredient-based household cleaning products. The PKM implementation method involves lectures, training, and discussions. In these activities, resource persons delivered presentations to the community, provided hands-on training on how to make detergent using pandanus and lime leaves, and conducted interactive discussions. The discussion included a question-and-answer session between participants and resource persons, as well as a quiz with prizes for participants who could demonstrate an understanding of the material presented.</em> <em>The target audience of this PKM program is the community of Kubu Raya Regency, 20 people participated in this activity. The evaluation results showed an increase in participants' understanding of the ingredients for making natural-based detergents, as well as their motivation to make and sell these detergents.</em></p> Naniek Tri Utami Sofi Siti Shofiyah Irma Ramadhani Febriaty Weni Mandasari Yulizar Prawiranti Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 191 198 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5694 PENGUATAN MODAL SOSIAL BAGI UMKM SUKU ANAK RAWA KAMPUNG PENYENGAT KECAMATAN SUNGAI APIT KABUPATEN SIAK https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5685 <p><em>Strengthening social capital is key in improving the economic and social welfare of communities, especially for marginalized groups, such as MSMEs among indigenous peoples. This service aims to strengthen social capital for MSMEs of the Anak Rawa Tribe in Penyengat Village, Sungai Apit District, Siak Regency, with a focus on increasing the capacity of social networks, trust between members, and access to resources that support the sustainability of their business. The number of participants in the service was 20 people consisting of representatives of the village government, traditional leaders, women leaders, business actors, and community leaders. The approach used in the service is Participatory Rural Appraisal, an approach that directly involves community members in the process of problem identification, activity implementation to evaluation. In terms of measuring the success of activities, the direct impact of changes in behavior, perspective, and other positive things cannot be seen. However, the service team distributed questionnaires to the participants to review their opinions on the material provided. First, regarding the principle of benefits. Based on the data collected, it can be concluded that all respondents said the material was useful for them. Second, related to the clarity of material delivery. It can be concluded that the delivery of the service material was very clear. Third, regarding how important social capital is for the sustainability of MSMEs. It can be concluded that the service participants consider that social capital is important for the sustainability of MSMEs. Finally, about the elements that are most beneficial for MSME business development. A total of 9 service participants answered that social networks were important, the rest were trust and norms. With the service activities, participants became more aware of the benefits of social capital for business sustainability in terms of trust, norms to networks.</em></p> Rd. Siti Sofro Sidiq Indrawati Indrawati T. Romi Marnelly Mita Rosaliza Muhammad Ihsan Mochammad Lathif Amin Seger Sugiyanto Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 199 207 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5685 PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI KELOMPOK UMKM JAYA BERSAMA DESA PANGKALAN JAMBI MELALUI PENGUATAN LITERASI DIGITAL https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5718 <p><em>MSMEs face challenges in digital marketing that can hinder their economic growth. Therefore, this service activity aims to (1) Provide digital literacy about utilizing social media and product marketing marketplaces (2) Provide knowledge about wisely utilizing digital media. The method used is Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) with a socialization approach and direct assistance to MSME actors. The service was attended by around 25 people and has been carried out well and received positive feedback. The service team teaches how to market through digital media and strengthens the group so that they can play a role according to their respective fields. The service participants enthusiastically listened to the material explanation about digital literacy in the form of utilizing the marketplace platform for marketing their products.</em> <em>This kind of activity is still rarely obtained by the group so that they do not understand about business digitalization. The success factors in this service activity lie in teamwork, the need for information about digital literacy, and support for the implementation of activities from the parties. Meanwhile, the inhibiting factor lies in the limited time to monitor and see the final results of the input material provided. Nevertheless, the potential success of the activity to develop Jaya Bersama MSMEs is quite high. However, in the future, continuous support and assistance is needed to ensure that Jaya Bersama MSME players are able to carry out digital transformation adequately and independently.</em></p> Hesti Asriwandari Ashaluddin Jalil Achmad Hidir Syamsul Bahri Yesi Yesi Seger Sugiyanto Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 208 216 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5718 MENINGKATKAN LITERASI KEUANGAN UMKM MELALUI SOSIALISASI DAN PELATIHAN LAMIKRO DI KECAMATAN DAYUN https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5720 <p><em>Lamikro application not only provides practical features that are easily accessible but also provides free access for every business owner. However, many people are not familiar with and know this application so it is important to provide socialization so that not only knowing, MSMEs can use it for business purposes. The purpose of this service is to socialize MSME actors about the Lamikro application to increase knowledge and encourage the use of these applications for financial bookkeeping. Participants in this service amounted to 20 people who were representatives of MSMEs in Dayun District. The service method uses a PAR approach, which is carried out by delivering material, discussion and evaluation. Lamikro socialization activities can be carried out well. Participants took part in the activity seriously and enthusiastically. From the evaluation of training on the use of the Lamikro application, it shows that most participants, namely 90% of participants understand the material very well, while the other 10% understand it well. This result reflects a high level of success in socializing the application to micro business actors. In addition, the skills evaluation also showed that participants not only understood the theory of financial management, but were also able to practice it well. Recommendations from this service activity need intensive assistance from related agencies in encouraging financial digitalization for MSMEs, especially business bookkeeping. This effort is made so that they can run their business more effectively and efficiently and have ideal competitiveness in the era of society 5.0.</em></p> Mariaty Ibrahim Ruzikna Ruzikna Mashur Fadli Jeneva Augustin Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 217 224 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5720 PELATIHAN DESAIN PRODUK MENGGUNAKAN TEKNOLOGI ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING DI SMK NEGERI 1 TANJUNG RAYA https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5740 <p><em>The purpose of the community service is to improve teachers' skill in terms of mechanical drawing and realize it in the form of prototype objects utilized additive manufacturing technology at Vocational High Schools in Tanjung Raya-Agam Regency. The workshop material consists of 3D digital drawing designs using the AutoCad software, slicing parameter settings through the Cura software, furthermore the printing process on a 3D printing machine. Lecture technique was applied in terms of conveying teaching materials, discussions, demonstrations, and individual tasks. The tasks of digital drawing transformed into 3-dimensional objects through a printing process on machine. The workshop completed in 2-day duration with 15 participants of productive subject teachers of mechanical engineering departmen. producing several products in the form of 3-dimensional alphabets, table top organizers, and gear profiles. Some of products produces such as 3D alphabets, table top organizers, and gear profile. The results of the workshop revealed that the teachers' competencies had increased in designing 3D objects and creating prototype objects on 3D printing machine. This is proven by several prototype products that were produced. The enthusiasm of the participants increased considering that 3D printing machine able to generate digital mechanical drawing into prototype products. The competencies taught during workshop provides stimulus to participants to be creative in generate 3D products such as decoration, merchandise and even miniatures that are used as learning media. The product results achieved after this training activity are satisfactory with good geometry, dimensions and neatness of objects.</em></p> Rifelino Rifelino Zainal Abadi Irma Yulia Basri Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 225 233 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5740 PENINGKATAN PENJUALAN PRODUK BERBASIS PENDAMPINGAN PADA UMKM HAULA FROZEN FOOD DI DESA KEMIRI https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5750 <p><em>The Haula Frozen Food MSME in Kemiri Village, Karawang Regency, faces challenges in digital marketing, resulting in limited market reach and low sales volume. To address this issue, a assistance program was implemented to enhance the effectiveness of marketing and sales through digital-based strategies.This assistance program employed the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method, actively involving MSME actors in every stage of planning and implementation. The program included the creation of visual identity elements such as logos, brochures, and banners to strengthen brand image, as well as the development of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for E-Commerce. Additionally, MSMEs were guided in optimizing the use of digital platforms such as WhatsApp Business, TikTok Shop, and Shopee as marketing and sales channels.The results showed a significant increase in revenue by 62.5%, sales volume by 68.18%, a wider market reach, and improved brand awareness among consumers. The intensive assistance process ensured that MSME actors could independently manage their digital marketing strategies, thereby increasing business competitiveness in the digital era and supporting sustainable business growth.</em></p> Laela Rahma Adila Rabhi Fathan Muhammad Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 234 243 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5750 OPTIMALISASI TEKNOLOGI ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EFEKTIVITAS PEMBELAJARAN DI SMPN 40 PEKANBARU https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5786 <p>Penerapan <em>Artificial Intelligence</em> (AI) dalam pendidikan memiliki potensi besar untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran. Namun, adopsinya masih terkendala oleh keterbatasan infrastruktur dan rendahnya literasi teknologi di kalangan guru. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini dilakukan pada Januari 2025 di SMPN 40 Pekanbaru dengan tujuan (1) meningkatkan literasi teknologi AI bagi tenaga pendidik agar mereka mampu memahami konsep dasar AI dan manfaatnya dalam dunia pendidikan, dan (2) mengembangkan keterampilan guru dalam mengintegrasikan AI ke dalam strategi pembelajaran untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengajaran. Metode yang digunakan meliputi sosialisasi, pelatihan, dan pendampingan langsung, dengan evaluasi melalui survei berbasis skala <em>Likert</em>. Hasil menunjukkan peningkatan signifikan dalam pemahaman guru tentang AI sebesar 80%, serta antusiasme dalam pemanfaatannya untuk personalisasi pembelajaran dan otomatisasi tugas administratif. Namun, kendala seperti keterbatasan perangkat dan kebutuhan pelatihan lanjutan masih ditemukan. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan peningkatan infrastruktur, pelatihan berkelanjutan, serta pengembangan strategi pembelajaran berbasis AI untuk memastikan penerapannya lebih optimal dan berkelanjutan.</p> Muhammad Natsir Kholis Ardi Gustri Purbata M. Irsyad Nur Nabila Afifah Azuga Asnika Putri Simanjuntak Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 244 252 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5786 PEMBERDAYAAN EKONOMI LOKAL MELALUI PENGOLAHAN HASIL PERTANIAN BAGI IBU RUMAH TANGGA SEKITAR UIN SATU TULUNGAGUNG https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5779 <p><em>This community service program aims to increase family income, especially for housewives, through training in banana chip processing.&nbsp; This training teaches the technique of processing bananas into crispy chips with high economic value, utilizing the abundant potential of bananas in the surrounding area.&nbsp; Using the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) method, this program focuses on community empowerment by utilizing local assets and enhancing production skills.&nbsp; In addition to technical training, participants also receive guidance in product marketing and packaging aspects.&nbsp; Through mentorship sessions from marketing experts, housewives were given insights into digital marketing strategies and the importance of product branding.&nbsp; As a result, the participants successfully improved product quality, enhanced packaging, and marketed their products through various channels, including social media.&nbsp; This program has a positive impact on increasing the income of the participants' families, creating new business opportunities, and expanding the market.&nbsp; With a comprehensive approach, this program is expected to create economic sustainability at the local level and improve the welfare of housewives.</em></p> <p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p> Risdiana Himmati Lativa Hartiningtyas )Adinda Putri Yesa Isnawati Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 253 264 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5779 PENINGKATAN LITERASI KEUANGAN ISLAM TERINTEGRASI DIGITAL FINANCE BAGI GURU TK AISYIYAH KECAMATAN CANDI https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5767 <p><em>The advancement of digital technology demands enhanced Islamic financial literacy, especially for Aisyiyah kindergarten teachers, to support financial management in accordance with Sharia principles. This program aims to equip participants with knowledge and skills in financial management through digital finance-based training. The training materials include an introduction to basic Islamic finance concepts, Sharia-based family budgeting, the use of Sharia-compliant e-wallets, halal investment options, and data protection and digital transaction security. A participatory approach was applied through pre-tests, interactive training sessions, and post-tests. To assess the program's effectiveness, data analysis employed a quantitative approach by comparing pre-test and post-test results, alongside qualitative methods through interviews and observations conducted during the training. The program results indicated a 57% increase in participants' understanding, with 65% starting to develop Sharia-based budgets and 60% reducing the use of consumptive credit. Major challenges include participants' limited familiarity with Sharia-based digital financial services and fewer features compared to conventional services. Continuous mentoring is necessary to ensure the optimal implementation of Sharia financial principles. This program contributes to strengthening Sharia-based financial independence among Aisyiyah kindergarten teachers, who are expected to share this understanding within their schools and communities.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Ima Faizah Ninda Ardiani Eva Hidayatul Kusnah Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin 2025-02-28 2025-02-28 8 2 265 275 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5767 SOSIALISASI DAN EDUKASI MITIGASI BENCANA GEMPA BUMI DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS JAJAWAY KOTA BANDUNG https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5705 <p><em>Earthquake faults are faults that can cause earthquakes due to the movement/friction of the fault itself. The Lembang Fault is a fault that stretches along 29 kilometres from Ngamprah Padalarang, West Bandung Regency to Palintang Pasirwangi Ujung Berung, Bandung City. Based on information, the Lembang Fault experienced the last earthquake in the 15th century or about 500 years ago, but that does not mean that this fault is not active based on the results of research by scientists from the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN), the Lembang Fault always moves as much as 3 mm to 5 mm every year, this figure is included in the category of small movements. The implementation methods applied in this activity are: 1) community-based, 2) comprehensive, 3) Participatory, 4) quantitative approach. Through the community service program held by the Dharma Husada College of Health Sciences, the implementation team conducted socialisation and education on earthquake disaster mitigation in the working area of Puskesmas Jajaway, Bandung City. The output of this activity is that the surrounding community in particular gains knowledge and additional abilities to be able to carry out simple analyses of disaster risk in the area around them, namely Earthquake. Community participation was very high in this activity, this can be seen from the large attendance in this socialisation and education activity. In addition, the knowledge of the community who participated in the socialisation and education has increased, so it is only natural that this activity can be carried out regularly.</em></p> Trisno Subekti Suparni Suparni Usan Daryaman Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2025-03-03 2025-03-03 8 2 276 281 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5705 DETEKSI DINI DAN PENCEGAHAN GANGUAN PEMUSATAN PERHATIAN DAN HIPERAKTIF (GPPH) PADA ANAK TK ‘AISYIYAH BUSTANUL ATHFAL (ABA) PURBAYAN KOTAGEDE YOGYAKARTA https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/jpm/article/view/5701 <p><em>Community Service has been carried out in September 2024 regarding early detection and prevention of attention deficit disorders that have been implemented at TK 'Aisyiyah Bustanul Athfal (ABA) Purbayan Kotagede Yogyakarta, this activity was carried out with the aim of increasing parents' understanding in detecting attention deficit disorders in children, and is a joint effort between lecturers and schools along with parents in order to realize community concern, awareness, understanding and skills in detecting attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity (GPPH). The government plays an active role in the detection, stimulation, and intervention of child growth and development through several programs such as the Early Detection of Growth and Development (DDTK) program to detect child development early on, the SDIDTK program for stimulation and intervention, and related policies to support the implementation of these programs. These activities are part of promotive, preventive and community empowerment efforts in preventing attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity (GPPH). This community service activity is carried out through socialization/workshops using lecture methods, discussions and training on how to examine attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity in children. The results of the community service show that the understanding of school teachers and parents has increased in detecting the development of attention span.</em></p> Lailatuz Zaidah Dwi Yuningsih Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Multidisiplin http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 2025-03-04 2025-03-04 8 2 282 287 10.36341/jpm.v8i2.5701