Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit <p style="border: dashed #7ebaf7; background: #e6f8fb; padding: 10px; text-align: justify;">This RABIT journal publishes various sciences that discuss the world of computers, especially information technology and information systems namely, AI, Networks, Multimedia. This journal was published twice in the publication where it was originally published, on 10 January 2016 while for the second issue, 10 July 2016.&nbsp;</p> en-US <div class="row"> <h4>Copyright Notice</h4> <p>&nbsp;The copyright of the received&nbsp;article shall be assigned to the publisher of the journal. The intended copyright includes the right to publish the article in various forms (including reprints). 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Co-Authorship</p> <p>If the article was jointly prepared by other authors, any authors submitting the manuscript warrants that he/she has been authorized by all co-authors to be agreed on this copyright and license notice (agreement) on their behalf, and agrees to inform his/her co-authors of the terms of this policy. RABIT will not be held liable for anything that may arise due to the author(s) internal dispute. RABIT will only communicate with the corresponding author.</p> <p>6. Royalties</p> <p>This agreement entitles the author to no royalties or other fees. To such extent as legally permissible, the author waives his or her right to collect royalties relative to the article in respect of any use of the article by RABIT.</p> <p>7. Miscellaneous</p> <p>RABIT will publish the article (or have it published) in the journal if the article’s editorial process is successfully completed. RABIT's editors may&nbsp;modify the article to a style of punctuation, spelling, capitalization, referencing and usage that deems appropriate. The author acknowledges that the article may be published so that it will be publicly accessible and such access will be free of charge for the readers as mentioned in point 3.</p> </div> [email protected] (salamun) [email protected] (salamun) Fri, 10 Jan 2025 16:30:17 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 EVALUASI KERENTANAN KEAMANAN JARINGAN NIRKABEL MENGGUNAKAN METODE PENETRATION TESTING DENGAN AIRCRACK-NG https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5387 <p><em>Technological advancements in networking have become an essential component in the information processes of society. With the increasing use of wireless networks, understanding the security of networks connected to the internet is crucial to protect them from hacker attacks. Penetration testing is the first step to improving network security. This study aims to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in wireless networks within the pesantren environment using the Aircrack-ng tool with a dictionary attack technique. The analysis results revealed vulnerabilities, such as weak passwords and a lack of encryption, which could be exploited by malicious actors. Based on these findings, it is recommended to use more complex passwords and update security protocols to strengthen the network defense system. The impact of this study is expected to raise awareness and understanding of the importance of penetration testing in identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities. Additionally, the results of this research are expected to make a significant contribution to protecting wireless networks in educational institutions, particularly pesantren, from the growing threats of cyberattacks</em></p> Fathul Anam, Fahmi Fachri Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5387 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI WEB JENAK! (OJEK ANAK): SOLUSI TRANSPORTASI AMAN DAN EFISIEN UNTUK ANAK-ANAK https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/4934 <p><em>Transportation as an important aspect in everyday life, especially with the increasing population growth. Although public transportation exists, there are still many obstacles such as long waiting times and inconsistent punctuality as well as minimal safety of public transportation for children. In this context, the development of a web-based application Jenak! (Online Ojek Anak) offers an innovative solution to facilitate the delivery of children to school with delivery activities that can be tracked by parents in real time with user security features using driver verification to application users. The development method used is waterfall, including the stages of analysis, design, coding, and testing. This application is designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivery, with a focus on ease of access and safety of children during the trip. It is hoped that Jenak! can provide a practical solution for parents and schools in managing child delivery activities safely and efficiently in the future, the potential of this application can replace conventional child pick-up and drop-off services or public transportation which are still far from safe and efficient transportation for children.</em></p> Salsabilla Varadinta, Mohammad Ibrahim Sugiyanto Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/4934 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 SISTEM PENENTU KEPUTUSAN KELAS UNGGULAN DENGAN METODE SIMPLE ADDITIVE WEIGHTING (SAW) https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5561 <p><em>The use of information technology in education is an important need to improve efficiency and objectivity, especially in the student placement process. MTs Salafiyah Safi'iyah Sukorejo Putri faces challenges in determining students for superior classes conventionally, which are prone to errors, less transparent, and time-consuming. This study aims to develop a decision support system (DSS) based on the Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method to assist the student selection process based on certain criteria, namely the value of reading the Qur'an, reading the book, and the average report card score. The study was conducted by collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. The system development method uses the Agile Development approach to ensure flexibility in responding to changing user needs. The system works by normalizing data, weighting criteria according to priority levels, and ranking to produce a list of students who are eligible to enter superior classes. The priority subject-based tiebreaker feature is used to resolve cases of students with the same final score. The implementation results show that this system is able to increase the efficiency of the selection process by up to 40% compared to manual methods. The system also improves the accuracy of data processing through automatic validation, so that the selection results are more objective and accountable. With this system, MTs Salafiyah Safi’iyah Sukorejo Putri can place students based on their potential more fairly and systematically. In conclusion, the implementation of the SAW-based system not only supports a more transparent and efficient selection process but also helps educational institutions design targeted curricula for superior students.</em></p> Siti Rofi’ah, Firman Santoso, Adi Susanto Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5561 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 APLIKASI TOKO ONLINE DENGAN PAYMENT GATEWAY UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENJUALAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE WATERFALL https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5033 <p>Toko XYZ yang menjual berbagai produk rumah tangga dan merupakan usaha keluarga yang sampai saat ini belum memiliki sistem yang terkomputerisasi yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan jual beli secara online. Selama ini toko masih melakukan penjualan menggunakan metode konvensional, promosi dari pertemanan, dari mulut ke mulut dan menggunakan update status whanshapp. Jangkauan yang masih terbatas menghasilkan penjualan yang relative rendah. Penjualan belum dilakukan secara online baik menggunakan sistem penjualan maupun dengan media social. Tujuan dari pembuatan paper ini adalah untuk membangun aplikasi toko online berbasis website agar jangkauan pemasaran lebih luas lagi dan penjualan semakin meningkat serta sistem terintegrasi dengan <em>payment gateway</em>. Metode pengembangan menggunakan waterfall yang dimulai dari analisa kebutuhan, desain sistem, penulisan dalam bentuk coding pemograman dan pengujian serta implementasi. Pengujian sistem dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode <em>black box testing</em> untuk mengetahui kesesuaian sistem dengan kebutuhan user. Sistem dapat membantu penjualan produk Toko XYZ dengan jangkauan yang lebih luas. Sistem dibangun berbasis website dan untuk kedepannya disarankan sistem untuk dikembangkan berbasis mobile.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Winanti Winanti, Agil Pamungkas, Yunni Silvrihartini, Nur Aini; Beby Tiara Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5033 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 APLIKASI PENGUKURAN KUALITAS LAYANAN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN KEPEGAWAIAN (SIMPEG) KOTA PEKANBARU MENGGUNAKAN METODE WEBQUAL 4.0 https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5037 <p>Badan Kepegawaian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Kota Pekanbaru merupakan perangkat daerah yang memiliki tugas memberikan pelayanan kepegawaian pada ASN dan dalam implementasinya turut menggunakan aplikasi yang disebut SIMPEG. Saat ini belum ada sistem pengukuran untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif penerapan SIMPEG tersebut, sehingga tidak ada dasar prioritas evaluasi dan perbaikan sistem kedepannya. Sedangkan hal itu sangat dibutuhkan sebagai salah satu bukti dukung dalam audit dan penilaian implementasi IT pada perangkat daerah. Oleh karena itu, perlu dibangun sebuah aplikasi pengukuran kualitas layanan SIMPEG Kota Pekanbaru yang menyediakan kuesioner <em>online</em> untuk menghasilkan nilai kualitas layanan sistem. Metode yang digunakan ialah <em>Webqual 4.0</em> yang dianggap lebih efektif untuk pengukuran layanan karena merupakan versi terakhir dan pengukuran didasarkan pada pengalaman pengguna. Sistem dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP, basis data MySQL dan <em>framework Laravel</em> 11. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi pengukuran kualitas layanan SIMPEG Kota Pekanbaru dengan metode <em>Webqual 4.0</em> berbasis <em>web</em>. Hasil perhitungan akhir dengan 100 orang sebagai responden pada periode Juni 2024 sebesar 89,29%. Hasil perhitungan pada aplikasi menunjukkan persentase nilai yang sama dengan perhitungan yang dilakukan secara manual. Hasil pengukuran memperlihatkan nilai tertinggi ke terendah dari poin kuesioner yang menjadi dasar untuk dilakukan perbaikan atau peningkatan kualitas layanan sistem. Sehingga dengan ini, pelayanan kepegawaian terkait penggunaan SIMPEG Kota Pekanbaru bisa meningkat dan menjadi lebih baik. Hasil pengukuran juga dapat dicetak dan dijadikan dokumen pendukung pada saat audit implementasi sistem oleh tim auditor.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Abdul Bari', Abdi Muhaimin, Herianto Herianto Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5037 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS FORENSIK DIGITAL TELEGRAM PADA ANDROID UNTUK CYBERCRIME DENGAN KERANGKA NASIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARD TECHNOLOGY (NIST) https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5402 <p>Telegram merupakan aplikasi pesan instan populer yang mengalami peningkatan pengguna dari 60,2% pada tahun 2023 menjadi 61,3% pada tahun 2024. Namun, peningkatan penggunaan ini juga membuka peluang terjadinya kejahatan digital seperti penipuan <em>online</em><em>.</em> Penelitian ini bertujuan melakukan analisis forensik digital pada aplikasi Telegram di <em>smartphone Android</em> dengan bentuk kejahatannya adalah penipuan penjualan <em>handphone</em>. Metode penelitian menggunakan kerangka kerja NIST yang terdiri dari empat tahapan: <em>Collection, Examination, Analysis, dan Reporting</em>. Alat forensik yang digunakan adalah <em>MOBILedit Forensic Express</em> dan <em>FTK</em> <em>Imager</em>. <em>MOBILedit</em> unggul dalam mengekstraksi berbagai jenis data, termasuk gambar, video, dan pesan suara, meskipun memerlukan <em>smartphone</em> yang di-<em>rooting</em>. Sementara itu, <em>FTK</em> <em>Imager </em>efektif untuk memulihkan percakapan dengan cepat tetapi terbatas pada data <em>teks</em> dan tidak optimal untuk multimedia. Skenario penelitian mensimulasikan kasus penipuan <em>online</em> dalam penjualan produk <em>iPhone</em> melalui Telegram. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa <em>MOBILedit Forensic</em> berhasil menemukan bukti digital berupa video, foto, dan <em>voice note</em>, sedangkan <em>FTK Imager</em> hanya mampu memulihkan bukti <em>chat</em>. Kedua alat berhasil mengombinasikan bukti keberadaan data digital yang telah dihapus, memungkinkan identifikasi jejak kejahatan digital pada aplikasi Telegram. Temuan ini menunjukkan pentingnya pemilihan alat forensik yang sesuai untuk memaksimalkan pengumpulan bukti digital, serta memberikan implikasi bahwa metode dan alat forensik yang tepat dapat menjadi solusi dalam mengungkap kasus kejahatan digital secara efektif, khususnya pada platform pesan instan.</p> Devkya Mutiara Syafitri, Fahmi Fachri Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5402 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 IMPLEMENTASI SMOTE-ENN DAN BORDERLINE SMOTE TERHADAP PERFORMA LIGHTGBM PADA IMBALANCED CLASS https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5436 <p><em>Class imbalance is a significant challenge in machine learning, where unequal distribution between majority and minority classes often biases model predictions toward the majority class. This study investigates the implementation of two data balancing techniques, SMOTE-ENN (Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique and Edited Nearest Neighbor) and Borderline-SMOTE, to enhance the performance of the LightGBM model on the Online Shopper’s Purchase Intention dataset. The dataset exhibits an imbalanced distribution between the purchase (True) and non-purchase (False) classes, hindering the model’s ability to detect minority classes accurately. The SMOTE-ENN method combines oversampling, which creates synthetic samples for the minority class, with noise removal by eliminating misclassified samples from the majority class. On the other hand, Borderline-SMOTE generates synthetic samples near the decision boundary of the minority class, focusing on critical regions prone to misclassification. The study evaluates the LightGBM model’s performance before and after applying these techniques using evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Results demonstrate that both methods significantly improve the model’s ability to detect the minority class, with Borderline-SMOTE showing a slight advantage by generating a more representative data distribution around the decision boundary. The results indicate that both methods significantly improve the model’s ability to detect the minority class, with SMOTE-ENN achieving an accuracy of 93% and demonstrating superiority in producing a more representative data distribution compared to Borderline-SMOTE, which achieved 92% accuracy. This study confirms the effectiveness of SMOTE-ENN and Borderline-SMOTE in addressing class imbalance in machine learning applications</em></p> Yabes Dwi Nugroho H, Furqan Zakiyabarsi, Andi Jamiati Paramita Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5436 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI SEWA LAPAK PASAR (e-Selapas) BERBASIS WEBSITE UNTUK KEMUDAHAN TRANSAKSI RETRIBUSI PADA PASAR WAGE KABUPATEN BANYUMAS https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5437 <p><em>A market is an area where interaction occurs between buyers and sellers to carry out buying and selling activities of goods or services. And the market also functions as an economic center, the market regulates economic activities and plays an important role in driving economic growth. In Pasar Wage, Banyumas Regency, the process of payment transactions for market stall rental fees and the use of information technology have not been optimized. Management of market stall rental fee data is still done manually. Officers must go around visiting stalls to collect market stall rental fees from traders. Officers must always check or cross-check which traders have paid the stall rental fee and which have not. The use of tickets can be done paperless to reduce paper use as one of the go green movements. Thus, a website-based market stall rental fee payment information system application was created to overcome these problems. In developing this application, the Fountain Method is used as a system development method and PHP is used as a programming language. And MySQL for database management. This system is expected to facilitate traders in conducting market stall rental fee payment transactions and officers to make market stall rental fee withdrawal transactions, manage transaction data, and produce market stall rental fee reports more quickly, accurately, effectively, and efficiently.</em></p> Vembria Rose Handayani, Sutrisno Sutrisno, Luthfi Febriyanti, Farhah Amalia Yantika Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5437 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS KESUKSESAN SIAKAD MENGGUNAKAN METODE DELONE AND MCLEAN IS SUCCESS MODEL PADA ITBSS https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5479 <p><em>Information Technology has penetrated various fields, including education. As a higher education in West Kalimantan, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis Sabda Setia (ITBSS has implemented an Academic Information System (SIAKAD) for students. SIAKAD aims to facilitate students in accessing academic information online throughout their studies. However, ITBSS never conduct an analysis of SIAKAD usage since its initial implementation. This analysis should be executed to measure the success of SIAKAD usage, ensuring that the investment in SIAKAD is effective. This study aims to analyze the success of SIAKAD at ITBSS using the DeLone &amp; McLean IS Success Model (D&amp;M IS Success Model) by examining the relationships between the model’s variables: system quality, information quality, service quality, user satisfaction, and net benefits.This model is a widely adopted model among researchers for analyzing the success of information system implementations across various institutions. The results of this study indicated a positive relationship between system quality, information quality, and service quality with user satisfaction, as well as a positive relationship between user satisfaction and benefits. These findings provided a evidence for ITBSS to focus on enhancing the system, information, and service quality aspects of SIAKAD to improve user satisfaction and foster positive perceptions of its benefits.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> Melyanto Melyanto Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5479 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI RESERVASI PEMANCINGAN ONLINE BERBASIS ANDROID STUDI KASUS PEMANCINGAN KATINENUNG https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5511 <p><em>Katineung Fishing Pond is a fishing venue that currently still uses a conventional booking process. Customers must come in person or call to reserve a spot, which often leads to uncertainty regarding availability and booking errors. Additionally, limited promotion has resulted in a lack of information about the fishing services available to the public. To address these issues, a more efficient and modern online reservation system is needed. This study utilizes the Rapid Application Development (RAD) method, which allows for rapid and iterative application development. The project aims to build an online reservation application that simplifies the booking process for customers and helps the management in handling reservation data. The application is developed using Dart programming language with the Flutter framework for the frontend and PHP with the Laravel framework for the backend, along with MySQL as the database. This system is expected to improve booking efficiency, provide real-time availability information, and enhance customer satisfaction. With this system, operational efficiency is anticipated to increase, customer experiences to improve, and the competitiveness of Katineung fishing pond to strengthen.</em></p> Hamdani Hamdani, Fadil Indra Sanjaya Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5511 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 METODE MOORA DENGAN PERFORMA KLUB LIGA INGGRIS TERHADAP KLASEMEN AKHIR https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5523 <p><em>The English Premier League (EPL) is a highly popular football league with intense competition among clubs every season. To assess the performance of EPL clubs objectively, data-driven evaluation is required to measure various aspects of team performance. This study aims to evaluate the performance of EPL clubs in the 2018/2019 season using the Multi-Objective Optimization on the Basis of Ratio Analysis (MOORA) method. MOORA was chosen because it can consider quantitative criteria such as goals scored, goals conceded, clean sheets, shots on target, total corner kicks, average ball possession, number of cards, and fouls. The data used includes statistics from 20 EPL clubs. The results show that top-ranked clubs like Manchester City, Liverpool, and Chelsea had consistent results with their final positions in the standings. However, differences were found in some clubs, such as Wolverhampton, which finished 7th in the final standings but ranked 10th according to MOORA. The analysis reveals that the MOORA ranking results, based on non-point statistical criteria, have a very high correlation with the final standings, with a Spearman correlation value of 0.9624. These findings emphasize the relevance of non-point statistical data in evaluating club performance quantitatively. This study contributes to the development of data-driven evaluation methodologies for football, providing valuable insights for club managers and sports analysts in identifying team strengths and weaknesses objectively, thereby supporting more accurate decision-making in strategic planning.</em></p> Muhammad Jauhar Fardani, Arya Anggara, Agusta Praba Ristadi Pinem Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5523 Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM MANAJEMEN POLA MAKAN NOGER BERBASIS WEB DAN ANDROID UNTUK PENDERITA GERD https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5518 <p><em>Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is a disorder that causes gastric acid secretion to increase into the esophagus. One of the risk factors that potentially can worsen GERD is the unhealthy consumption habit. In fast-paced environment, GERD sufferers often ignore meal schedules for many reasons, either its because focusing on professional responsibilities, academic assignment, or digital activities such as gaming. This study aims to develop a meal schedule management system for gastric acid patients as an effort to suppress GERD symptoms. This study uses the Waterfall approach as a methodological framework. Noger system is designed to provide a reminder system and menu guidance in managing meal schedules for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease. The benefits of Noger for users are to provide convenience for GERD sufferers in planning healthy consumption schedules and menus. The research findings revealed that Noger showed good performance, with blackbox evaluations proving success according to the initial design. By adopting a structured approach to consumption habits, clinical symptoms of maag linked to irregular eating routines can be effectively managed. The system aims to enhance the quality of life by focusing on meal planning and scheduling, offering a digital health solution tailored for individuals with gastric acid disorders. </em></p> Nurhaliza Aufa Salwa, Sri Wulandari Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5518 Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 IDENTIFIKASI BUKTI DIGITAL PINJAMAN ONLINE MENGGUNAKAN LIVE FORENSIC PADA SISTEM OPERASI PROPRIETARY https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5514 <p>Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi berkembang pesat seiring dengan peningkatan kualitas hidup manusia. Namun, kemajuan ini juga memunculkan berbagai tantangan, termasuk meningkatnya kejahatan dunia maya (<em>cybercrime</em>). Salah satu tantangan tersebut adalah upaya pelaku kejahatan untuk menghapus barang bukti elektronik yang tersimpan dalam <em>Random Access Memory</em> (RAM) guna menghindari jerat hukum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan analisis forensik digital dengan fokus pada pemulihan barang bukti yang telah dihapus.</p> <p>Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini mengikuti pedoman dari <em>National Institute of Standards and Technology</em> (NIST), yang mencakup empat tahap utama: pengumpulan, perolehan, analisis, dan pelaporan. Untuk mendukung proses pemulihan bukti digital, alat forensik yang digunakan termasuk perangkat lunak yang umum digunakan dalam bidang ini, seperti <em>FTK Imager</em> dan <em>WinHex</em>. Alat-alat ini digunakan untuk mengevaluasi efektivitas dalam memulihkan data penting, seperti percakapan <em>WhatsApp</em> yang berkaitan dengan kasus penipuan pinjaman online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat keberhasilan yang signifikan dalam memulihkan bukti digital yang relevan. Sebagai contoh, lebih dari 85% dari data yang dihapus berhasil dipulihkan menggunakan metode yang diterapkan. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa teknik forensik digital yang digunakan dapat memberikan kontribusi besar dalam mengatasi tantangan penghapusan barang bukti elektronik, khususnya dalam kasus <em>cybercrime</em>. Penelitian ini juga berkontribusi pada pengembangan teknik <em>live forensics</em> untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dalam investigasi kejahatan dunia maya</p> Islahiyatul Ilma Mubarokah, Fahmi Fachri Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5514 Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PEMILIHAN USAHA SEKTOR PERTANIAN UNGGULAN DI WILAYAH PULAU JAWA MENGGUNAKAN METODE MOORA https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5540 <p>The agricultural sector plays a crucial role in supporting regional economies, particularly in providing food <br>supplies, creating employment opportunities, and reducing poverty levels. However, identifying priority <br>agricultural sectors often poses challenges due to the lack of comprehensive analysis and sufficient data. This <br>study aims to develop a Decision Support System (DSS) utilizing the Multi-Objective Optimization by Ratio <br>Analysis (MOORA) method to identify the leading agricultural enterprises in a specific region. MOORA was <br>selected for its advantages in efficiently and straightforwardly managing multiple criteria. The research <br>incorporates seven key criteria: regional suitability, types of superior commodities, productivity levels, land area, <br>seasonal or annual patterns, labor requirements, and funding sources. The findings indicate that the best <br>alternative is Food Crops, achieving the highest Yi value of 0.5104, followed by Horticulture and Plantations. <br>Although there are similarities between the input data and the rankings produced, the validity of this research has <br>been further analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation test. The results show a correlation value of 0.300, <br>indicating a weak relationship between the two variables compared. This weak correlation underscores the need <br>to enhance data quality and integrate information on the number of enterprises to make the ranking system more <br>effective and relevant in supporting the development of the agricultural sector.</p> Irfan Hanafi, Petra Erlangga Ardy Wibowo, Agusta Praba Ristadi Pinem Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5540 Sat, 11 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS FAKTOR PENGARUH TERHADAP KEPERCAYAAN MANAJEMEN PENGGUNAAN BASIS DATA DALAM LAYANAN BISNIS UMKM DI INDONESIA https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5634 <p><em>Management's trust in the use of databases in business services plays an important role in supporting the growth of MSMEs (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to analyze the factors that influence management's trust in the use of databases in MSME business services in Indonesia. Factors reviewed include data security, reliability, reputation, integrity and openness. The problem faced in this research is the difficulty of building trust in the use of databases, especially their impact in an increasingly competitive business world. This research uses mixed methods consisting of quantitative and qualitative methods to obtain more comprehensive results. The total quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire amounted to 290 respondents and the qualitative data obtained from interviews amounted to 40 respondents. The data collection technique was carried out using the cluster random purposive sampling method. Data analysis was carried out using SPSS software to analyze the data relationship between the variables studied. The research results show that quantitatively data security, reliability, reputation and openness have a significant influence in increasing management trust, while integrity does not have a significant influence. Qualitatively, data security and reputation influence user trust, while reliability, integrity and openness do not show a significant influence. This research can provide important understanding for MSMEs in Indonesia that improving data security and reputation can increase management trust in the use of databases in business services. It is hoped that this research can help MSMEs optimize the use of technology to improve their business services.</em></p> Muhamad Dody Firmansyah, Henry Yono Zhang Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5634 Thu, 30 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN STOK BERBASIS WEBSITE PADA PROP NOODLE BAR MANYAR https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5710 <p><em>The rapid development of information technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of human life, including the business world. One of its applications is the Management Information System (MIS), which has become crucial in operations and decision-making. This research focuses on the development of a web-based Stock Management Information System for Prop Noodle Bar Manyar, which has been using a manual system for stock recording. By adopting technologies such as PHP for programming and MySQL as the database, this system is expected to improve efficiency and accuracy in stock management. The research methodology includes problem identification, literature review, data collection through interviews and observations, data analysis, system development, and testing. The system development model uses the Waterfall method. The results of the research show that the developed information system is capable of providing more complete and faster information, as well as reducing errors in stock management. The acceptance test was carried out through a survey with 23 respondents consisting of 29% Waiters, 21% Cashiers, 17% Baristas, and 33% Cooks. It can be concluded that this application can help the process of reporting incoming and outgoing goods, reporting stock of goods, reporting purchases, sales and the process of carrying out stock taking.</em></p> Farisa Adam, Lambang Probo Sumirat, Budi Santoso Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5710 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 PENERJEMAH BAHASA BESEMAH BERBASIS MACHINE LEARNING DENGAN ALGORITMA MODEL ENCODER-DECODER https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5252 <p><em>Regional languages are one of the cultural elements in Indonesia, reflecting the diverse traditions of various regions across the archipelago. The Besemah language, spoken by the Besemah ethnic group, is used daily by the residents of Pagar Alam City and Lahat Regency. Although there are differences in pronunciation and vocabulary between villages, the Besemah language still shares a common linguistic root. The residents of Pagar Alam, particularly those in the mountainous areas of South Sumatra Province, are among the native speakers of the Besemah language. To enhance the preservation of the Besemah language, this study utilizes a translation system between Besemah and Indonesian. The development of this translation system, in line with technological advancements, will facilitate users in understanding translations between the Besemah language and Indonesian. The researchers chose the Encoder-Decoder algorithm because this architecture has been proven effective in various translation tasks and can produce more accurate translations compared to existing methods such as the Edit Distance algorithm and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN). This algorithm consists of two main components: the Encoder, which processes the input document and converts it into a translation for each word in the Besemah language, and the Decoder, which takes the data representation generated by the Encoder and processes it into a translation output in Indonesian and vice versa</em><em>.</em></p> Bogy Dharma Sandi, Susan Dian Purnamasari, Yesi Novaria Kunang, Ilman Zuhri Yadi, Fatmasari Fatmasari Copyright (c) 2025 Rabit : Jurnal Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi Univrab https://jurnal.univrab.ac.id/index.php/rabit/article/view/5252 Thu, 06 Feb 2025 00:00:00 +0000