: Rab Construction Research2024-07-09T12:12:21+07:00Husnah[email protected]Open Journal Systems<p style="border: 2px dashed blue; padding: 4px; background-color: #d6e3f3; text-align: justify;">RACIC "Rab Construction Research" (p-ISSN 2527-7073 dan e-ISSN 2620-3170) adalah Jurnal yang dikelola oleh Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Abdurrab, yang terbit secara berkala dalam dua edisi per tahun. RACIC menerima dan mendukung penuh artikel di bidang Teknik Sipil, tetapi tidak terbatas pada: Struktur, Transportasi, Sumber daya air, Manajemen Rekayasa Konstruksi, dan Geoteknik. <br><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="" width="100%"></a></p> KINERJA KERUSAKAN JALAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE BINA MARGA2024-06-25T13:00:40+07:00Kiradi Kiradi[email protected]Muhammad Idham[email protected]<p><em>Roads are the main access for the people of the city of Dumai to carry out transportation activities in life, so that the presence of roads can increase the economy and social activities for the people, especially the people of the city of Dumia. The performance of the Cut Nyak Dien road is greatly influenced by the condition of the road surface, many of the Cut Nyak Dien roads experience damage before reaching the planned age. Therefore, this research can identify the damage to the Cut Nyak Dien road in the city of Dumai, Purnama sub-district using the Bina Marga method through the calculation of the Surface Distress Index (SDI). From the results of the study, it was shown that the road damage found on Jalan Cut Nyak Dien deer were cracks, holes, patches and settlements, so the results of the calculation of the Surface Distress Index (SDI) showed that on Jalan Cut Nyak Dien an average value of 10 belonged to routine maintenance. on that road.</em></p> <p>Keywords: <em>Road Damage, Bina Marga, RCS, RCI, SDI</em></p>2024-06-24T23:45:13+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RISIKO BENCANA TERHADAP TEBING SUNGAI WINONGO2024-06-25T13:00:40+07:00Puji Harsanto[email protected]Nazrey Rahario Nugroho[email protected]Restu Faizah[email protected]Nursetiawan Nursetiawan[email protected]<p><strong>The Winongo River originates in the Opak River and has many potential hazards such as flooding, cold lava floods and riverbank landslides, so a disaster risk analysis is necessary. The research area is located in the headwaters of the river which passes through the villages of Sendangadi, Sinduadi, Trihango, Bener, Tegalrejo and Pakuncen. The method used is semi-quantitative and qualitative, using tabular data and numerical assessment of land use, population and river hydrology. With the AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) method which determines the best choice from several supporting data. The method of determining disaster risk by weighting follows the Regulation of the Director General of BNPB Year 2012. A disaster risk assessment using the AHP method obtained a score of 1.1 in Sendangadi Village, 1.6 in Sinduadi Village. Trihanggo has a value of 1.1, Bener has a value of 1.3, Tegalrejo has a value of 1.4, and Pakuncen has a value of 1.5. Sendangadi and Trihango villages have the lowest risk level with the same value of 1.1. From the results of the disaster risk analysis it has been found that in all sub-districts that are flowed by the upstream Winongo River, they have a low level of risk.</strong></p>2024-06-25T00:11:30+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KERUSAKAN PERMUKAAAN JALAN PADA PERKERASAN LENTUR MENGGUNAKAN METODE PAVEMENT CONDITION INDEX (PCI) DAN BINA MARGA 1990 (Studi Kasus : Ruas Jalan Teluk Mesjid – Simpang Pusako)2024-06-25T13:00:40+07:00Lizar Lizar[email protected]Mutasawiah Mutasawiah[email protected]<p>The teluk mesjid - simpang pusako road section is a cross-province road which is the closest access to the city of Pekanbaru or the Buton crossing port for the Siak and surrounding communities so it is important to maintain road quality performance to stay in good condition. This study aims to determine the condition value on the teluk mesjid - simpang pusako road section so that it can determine the type of road maintenance program. The method used is the Pavement Condition Index (PCI) method and Bina Marga 1990. The average road condition value on the Teluk Mesjid - Simpang Pusako STA (00+000 - 09+400) road section is 83.78. Based on the PCI method, the rating scale from 71 to 85 is included in the Satisfactory rating. The Priority Order Value on the Teluk Mesjid Road Section - Simpang Pusako STA (00+000 - 09+400) is 12.34. Based on Bina Marga 1990 for priority order values > 7 including the category of Routine Maintenance programs. The results of research conducted on the Teluk Mesjid - Simpang Pusako road section are included in the routine maintenance program, the type of handling of damage that occurs is by patching using Cold Mix.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## APLIKASI PERHITUNGAN KUAT NOMINAL KOLOM BETON BERTULANG BERBASIS APLIKASI ANDROID2024-06-25T13:00:40+07:00Ivana Madeline Diamanta[email protected]Richard Frans[email protected]Hendry Tanoto Kalangi[email protected]<p>Nowadays, the use of applications which is to analyze or to design in civil engineering are necessary. Besides being able to solve the analysis and design problem, the use of applications is an effective for computational time problems compared to manual calculations. Column is one of the most crucial elements in a building construction where the role of the column is to support and distribute the loads on the building structure. In general, in designing a column, column interaction diagram with a certain cross section is made and compare the capacity of the column sections (P<sub>n</sub> and M<sub>n</sub>) from the column interaction diagram with the required strength values (P<sub>u</sub> and M<sub>u</sub>). Android is an operating system on smartphones and is popular nowadays. The aim of this research is to develop an Android-based application using Android Studio with Java programming language to create a column interaction diagram of several types of columns, i.e. square column with 4 (four) side reinforcement, square column with reinforcement on 2 (two) sides, and circular columns. The results obtained from the developed application are compared with manual calculations (reference). The difference of result obtained is less than 1% which means that there is no significant comparison between the designed application and manual calculations (reference). Therefore, the developed application can be practically used as an alternative in designing columns.</p>2024-06-25T05:08:13+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGGUNAAN SUPERPLASTICIZER MASTERGLENIUM ACE 8595 DALAM IMPLEMENTASI PEKERJAAN BETON2024-06-25T13:00:41+07:00Mahendra Septa Kuswiantoro[email protected]Zendy Bima Mahardana[email protected]Ma’rifatul Mumayyizah[email protected]Alfina Iskindaria[email protected]Rifqi Sahrul Nurhuda[email protected]Farikhatul Mufaidah[email protected]Moch Risjad Aldiansyah[email protected]<p><em>Technological advances in the construction world are growing rapidly, including the development of materials and construction methods. The use of superplasticizer additives in the manufacture of concrete can increase compressive strength and viscosity in achieving the workability of concrete cast work. Itis necessary to optimize the proportion of the use of superplasticizer additives to achieve the best workability. This study aims to determine the best workability in the use of concrete mixture superplasticizer admixture. The additive used is MasterGlenium ACE 8595 with a percentage of use of 0.25%, 0.28%, 0.31%, and 0.34%. The results revealed that the best workability was obtained in the addition of admixture of 0.31% of the weight of cement with a slump value of 14 cm and a compressive strength value of 17.35 Mpa which indicates that concrete is suitable for use in non-structural elements such as cyclope, pavement and masonry bare concrete. Through these results, it is hoped that it can be used as a reference to find the best workability from the use of MasterGlenium ACE 8595 superplasticizer for the implementation of appropriate construction.</em></p>2024-06-25T05:41:59+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MODELING OF COASTAL TIDES AND CURRENT PATTERN AT NORTHERN PEAT COAST OF BENGKALIS ISLAND2024-06-25T13:00:41+07:00Daly Riandi[email protected]Sigit Sutikno[email protected]Muhamad Yusa[email protected]<p><em>Riau Province experiences a loss of coastline every year due to erosion. The northern coast of Bengkalis Island is prone to coastal setback. Apart from land collapse, erosion is also caused by the flow of water along the coast. To be able to carry out good disaster management, accurate coastal hydrodynamic modelling is important. Some important components of hydrodynamics are tidal characteristics and current patterns. These important components are identified using numerical models. Manning parameter calibration is used to improve the model's accuracy. The tidal characteristic obtained was mixed, predominantly semidiurnal. Meanwhile, the pattern of tidal currents is known from the direction of movement. At spring tide, water moves towards the south and southwest with an average speed of 0.210 m/s and at neap tide, it moves towards the northeast with an average speed of -0.232 m/s.</em></p>2024-06-25T06:01:16+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RISIKO KERJA PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN BANDARA2024-06-25T13:00:41+07:00Stephanie Almeyda[email protected]I Nyoman Dita Pahang Putra[email protected]<p>Risk is an event that results in both physical and material losses. Companies involved in a project development must implement an occupational safety and health program. Although it cannot be denied that there are still some work accidents caused by various factors, so this research aims to analyze the risk of work accidents on the project. Risk analysis in this study was carried out using two methods. In the first method, it is necessary to identify the types of work accidents using the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) method, starting with a survey in the form of distributing questionnaires to respondents to find out the value of severity and probability for each variable so that the biggest risk is known. After being identified, 6 major risk variables were obtained and one of them, namely in the mobilization/demobilization activities of heavy equipment and material vehicles, was identified as having a structural loading hazard with the worst work accident being a dump truck mired when crossing a structure that could not withstand the load. After finding the hazard with the greatest risk, the causal factors of the risk were then sought using the second method, namely, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) where the risk was caused by 3 factors, namely human factors, management factors, and environmental factors. 11 basic causes were found with a minimum cut set combination resulting in 7 basic cause combinations (basic events).<br>Keywords: Risk Analysis, Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment, Fault Tree Analysis</p>2024-06-25T06:17:22+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PARAMETRIK ALTERNATIF FONDASI PADA DAERAH TANAH LUNAK (STUDI KASUS: KANTOR BUPATI KAB. ROKAN HILIR, RIAU)2024-06-25T13:00:41+07:00Alfi Fadillah[email protected]Budi Susilo Soepandji[email protected]<p><em>A foundation is a part of an engineering system that works by transmitting the load it supports and its own weight into the soil or rock beneath it. In this research, the author plans to compare the bored pile foundation that has been applied to the building with other alternative foundations, namely pile foundation 1 with a depth of 38 meters with a diameter of 0.8 meters, and pile 2 with a depth of 38 meters with a diameter of 1 meter in terms of bearing capacity and the magnitude of the decline that occurred. </em></p> <p><em>Then the foundation bearing capacity was calculated using the Meyerhof (1976), McClelland (1974), Skempton (1966), and Reese & O'neill (1999). Single pole reduction using the Vesic (1977) and Poulos & Davis (1980) methods and using the Plaxis v.20 program. Furthermore, the results of the calculations compared the bored pile foundation with pile models 1 and 2. It was found that the bored pile foundation and pile foundation 1 did not meet the permit limit for foundation settlement, only pile foundation 2 met the limit, namely a decrease of less than 10% of the foundation diameter.</em></p>2024-06-25T06:30:54+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TAHANAN HORIZONTAL TIANG PANCANG BARU YANG DIBEBANI LATERAL AKIBAT EFEK ADANYA TIANG PANCANG EKSISTING PADA TANAH CLAY2024-07-09T12:12:21+07:00Fardan Fikriansyah[email protected]Budi Susilo Soepandji[email protected]<p>The method of driving new piles in existing buildings using existing piles is often used to speed up the construction period. The load distribution and displacement of the new pile need to be investigated further because of the influence of the existing pile. The lateral load displacement method (p-y curve) is used to analyze the load and displacement of the pile using threedimensional finite element analysis. The new and existing piles used are piles with a diameter of 0.6 meters, a thickness of 0.1 meters, a pile depth of 17 meters, and the distance between the new piles and the existing piles is 1 meter. The horizontal load applied is 150 kN on the pile head which is 1 meter from the ground surface. This research was carried out on clay with the Modified Cam Clay constitutive model. The results of three-dimensional finite element analysis show that the horizontal resistance of the new pile increases at the pile head due to the presence of the existing pile.</p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## QUANTITY TAKE OFF MENGGUNAKAN AUTODESK REVIT PADA PEKERJAAN STRUKTUR BAJA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG KANTOR PT. TRI KANIGARA GROUP2024-07-09T11:55:40+07:00Ari Wibowo[email protected]Michella Beatrix[email protected]<p>With the development of technology, the use of BIM (Building Information Modeling) software such as Autodesk Revit is becoming increasingly common in the construction industry. Quantity Take Off (QTO) in Autodesk Revit is the process of calculating and identifying the amount of construction materials needed for a project based on a 3D model created using the Autodesk Revit software. This study aims to evaluate the use of steel structural materials and the estimated price generated through Autodesk Revit. In the QTO calculation using Autodesk Revit, the results are the volume of WF column work of 18,117.54 kg, the volume of WF beam work of 16,084.15 kg, and the volume of nut bolt work reaching 1,894 pieces. Furthermore, the estimated cost of work is also generated by Autodesk Revit, with the cost of WF column work of Rp. 389,527,110,-, the cost of WF beam work of Rp. 345,809,225,-, and the cost of nut bolt work of Rp. 52,085,000,-. This evaluation aims to identify the accuracy and efficiency of QTO calculations using Autodesk Revit.</p>2024-06-25T11:25:02+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SAFETY FACTOR LERENG DENGAN PERKUATAN CORRUGATED CONCRETE SHEET PILE BOZEM KALIDAMI SURABAYA2024-06-25T13:00:41+07:00Indra Wahyu Utomo[email protected]Laily Endah Fatmawati[email protected]<p><em>In the field of geotechnical engineering, one of the most common causes of landslides is an increase in shear stress in the soil or a decrease in the shear strength of the soil mass so that it cannot withstand the applied load. Analysis of the slopes of Bozem Kalidami Surabaya was carried out to determine the safety figures for slopes reinforced with sheet pile retaining walls based on data obtained from boring tests.</em> <em>The sheet pile used is CCSP Type W-600 class B 19 meters long. Analysis of safety figures is carried out in two ways, namely manual calculation using the Fellinius method and the Plaxis v.8.2 program which aims to compare the results.</em> <em>Analyzed using manual calculations using the Fellenius method, the security value was 1.634. Meanwhile, for the results of the Plaxis v.8.2 program, the security value was 1.891. Because the calculation results obtained from both methods are >1.5, it can be concluded that the stability of the Bozem Kalidami Surabaya slope with CCSP Type W-600 class B reinforcement with a length of 19 meters is safety.</em></p>2024-06-25T07:05:09+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## TEKNIS PENANGANAN LALU LINTAS (STUDI KASUS KAWASAN PELABUHAN MENGKAPAN)2024-06-25T13:00:41+07:00Frans Deddy Arisandy[email protected]Rizki Ramadhan Husaini[email protected]<p>This research focuses on the port area of Mengkapan in Siak Regency, <br>specifically on the Sumatra Transcontinental Highway. During holidays, the <br>Vehicle/Capacity (V/C) Ratio on this road reaches 0.631. This is attributed to the <br>constraint of vehicle parking on the road, hindering the entry and exit of vehicles <br>from the port and causing congestion during peak hours between 13:00 and 14:30 <br>WIB. The road speed decreases to 30 km/h, resulting in queues and congestion <br>reaching the Sumatra Transcontinental Highway, the main route to the <br>Mengkapan port area. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness <br>and efficiency of traffic services on the Sumatra Transcontinental Highway and <br>the port access road. Using VISSIM software and based on calculations from the <br>Indonesian Road Capacity Manual (MKJI), an analysis is conducted on <br>intersection performance, road speed, vehicle delay, and traffic volume in the <br>Mengkapan port area. The findings of this analysis serve as a basis for <br>recommending traffic engineering management strategies to enhance services on <br>2<br>the Sumatra Transcontinental Highway and port access roads. The implications of <br>these findings are used as a reference for the government in formulating policies <br>to improve the capacity and performance of the transportation system in the area.</p>2024-06-25T07:20:46+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGURANGAN AIR PADA BEBERAPA MUTU BETON YANG MENGGUNAKAN POLINEX HE2024-06-25T13:00:42+07:00Indriyani Puluhulawa[email protected]Alamsyah Alamsyah[email protected]Poltak Leonardo Sitinjak[email protected]Marganta P. R. Lubis[email protected]<p>Concrete with the addition of Polinex HE has a slump value that is twice as large as concrete without Polinex HE. This can lead to segregation during pouring. Therefore, a study was conducted to investigate the effect of reducing the water content in concrete using Polinex HE. The aim of this research was to examine how the reduction in water content affects slump values, concrete density, and concrete quality. A total of 72 cylindrical concrete samples with a diameter of 10 cm and a height of 20 cm were prepared for both K-250 and K-350 concrete. Water reduction variations ranged from 5% to 20% of the water weight, with the addition of Polinex HE at 1% of the cement weight. Testing included slump tests, concrete density measurements, and compressive strength tests at 3 days and 28 days of curing.The results showed that the slump values remained higher compared to concrete without Polinex HE. Concrete density decreased as the water content was reduced. For K-250 concrete, maximum compressive strength was achieved with a 5% reduction in water content, while for K-350 concrete, maximum compressive strength was achieved with a 20% reduction in water content.</p>2024-06-25T07:33:54+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## WAKTU DAN BIAYA MENGGUNAKAN METODE EARNED VALUE ANALYSIS PADA PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN PUSKESMAS TALUN Kab. BLITAR2024-06-25T13:00:42+07:00Reza Rahmattullah[email protected]Masca Indra Triana[email protected]<p>The Earned Value approach is employed to meticulously track project time and expenses, facilitating early identification of performance issues. Specifically, the construction project for the community health center in Talun, Blitar, encountered variations during the 11th to 13th weeks. Upon doing an analysis in the 13th week, it was discovered that the Schedule Variance (SV) amounted to IDR. -165,313,862.5, suggesting that the actual employment (BCWP) was lower than the anticipated employment (BCWS). The Cost Variance (CV) is Rp. 286,761,471.2, showing that the cost is less than the value of the work accomplished. The SPI (Schedule Performance Index) for week 13 was 0.7, signifying a significant delay in the execution of the project. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) recorded a value of 3.64 in week 13, suggesting that spending efficiency fell short of the budgeted target.</p>2024-06-25T07:46:31+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PROYEK PEMBANGUNAN GEDUNG WORKSHOP TEKNIK MESIN UPN VETERAN JAWA TIMUR DENGAN METODE TIME COST TRADE OFF2024-06-25T13:00:42+07:00Muhammad Rafli Nurabidin[email protected]Michella Beatrix[email protected]<p><em>Projects are temporary initiatives with limited time, resources, and goals. Due to time and financial constraints, project planning is crucial, with project management being a key factor in its success. Consistency in the quality, cost, and time of a construction project requires the selection of effective construction methods.</em><em> The purpose of this study is find out the construction costs by adding working hours using the TCTO method, knowing the acceleration of construction time by adding working hours using the TCTO method.</em><em> These methods impact the construction duration, material usage, equipment, and labor. In the case of the Workshop Building for Mechanical Engineering at UPN Veteran East Java, issues arose during boredpile work due to marshy soil, limiting the installation to only 2 points per day, resulting in a 9-week delay from week 11 to week 20. Additionally, challenges included the time-consuming disposal of boredpile soil and equipment damage, requiring weekly repairs lasting approximately 4 hours. Therefore, acceleration is needed to address these delays, which can be achieved through the Project Crashing approach using the Time Cost Trade Off (TCTO) method</em><em>.</em></p>2024-06-25T07:59:52+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## ANALISIS KARAKTERISTIK CAMPURAN AC-WC MENGGUNAKAN ASPAL POLIMER DENGAN PENAMBAHAN WETFIX BXE SEBAGAI ANTI STRIPPING AGENT2024-06-25T13:00:42+07:00Mochamad Aldinata Sholeh[email protected]Nurani Hartatik[email protected]<p>Penelitian ini diteliti oleh penulis untuk mengetahui karakteristik campuran AC-WC menggunakan aspal polimer dengan penambahan wetfix bxe sebagai anti stripping agent. Dari hasil pengujian marshall test dengan kadar aspal polimer optimum tanpa zat aditif wetfix muncul nilai nilai karakteristik dari pengujian marshall test tersebut seperti di kadar aspal polimer optimum 5,5% dengan waktu perendaman 30 mnt : VIM = 4,67%, VMA = 15,15%, VFA = 69,18, Stabilitas = 1366 kg, Flow = 3,65 mm, Rasio passing #200 aspal efektif = 0,798 %. Sedangkan di kadar aspal polimer optimum 5,5% dengan waktu perendaman 24 jam : VIM = 4,52%, VMA = 15,02%, VFA = 69,91%, Stabilitas = 1244 kg, Flow = 4,15 mm, Rasio passing #200 aspal efektif = 0,798%. Untuk Stabilitas sisanya senilai 91,06%. telah memenuhi syarat Spesifikasi Umum Bina Marga 2020 (Revisi 2).</p>2024-06-25T08:53:06+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENENTUAN PRIORITAS PEMELIHARAAN BANGUNAN DENGAN METODE ”ANALYTICAL HIERARCHY PROCESS” PADA BANGUNAN GEDUNG CREATIVE SPACE UNICORN - SURABAYA2024-06-25T13:00:42+07:00M. Roudlloh Nur Kusuma putra[email protected]Michella Beatrix[email protected]<p><em>according to the requirements and wishes of the user. This research uses the "Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)" method, as a decision maker in determining the order of maintenance priorities by analyzing component condition indices. From the results of the analysis, it was found that the level of damage was based on the Condition Index value for the Creative Space Unicorn Building. It shows that the priority for building maintenance is the first architectural component in wall paint with a percentage of 1.16, the second utility, namely lights, has a percentage value of 0.79... So It can be concluded that the Creative Space Unicorn Building has a building condition index on a scale of 72.04. means that the description of the condition of the building is sufficient (only minor damage occurred).</em></p>2024-06-25T09:17:45+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RISIKO KETERLAMBATAN PEMBANGUNAN JALAN TOL DENGAN PENDEKATAN RII (RELATIVE IMPORTANCE INDEX) (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Jalan Tol Binjai – Pangkalan Brandan)2024-06-25T13:00:42+07:00Yanuar Widiandi Nufah[email protected]Ari Sandyavitri[email protected]Muhammad Yusa[email protected]<p><em>The Binjai – Pangkalan Brandan Toll Road is part of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road based on Presidential Regulation Number 117 of 2015. Based on information from providers and users, it has experienced delays in completion. The aim of this case study is to identify factors causing delays, analyze risks using a probabilistic. It is hoped that the case study in this research combines 2 analytical methods to provide new input for researchers. The RII (Relative Importance Index) method found 5 dominant factors that most influenced the delay in this project, namely land permits, inadequate land investigations before design work, inaccurate data surveys (pre-design), design changes, permits related to the government. </em></p>2024-06-25T09:50:34+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGGUNAAN ABU SERABUT KELAPA (ASK) SEBAGAI BAHAN TAMBAH TERHADAP KUAT TEKAN BETON ALIR2024-06-25T13:00:43+07:00Santoso Nugroho[email protected]Nurul Rochmah[email protected]<p><strong><em> </em></strong></p> <p><strong><em>Development in Indonesia continues to increase every year, this is due to the increasing population in this country. This construction requires important construction materials, such as concrete. Flowing concrete is a type of concrete that has a slump flow value of more than 19 cm, but still maintains the natural strength of the concrete according to ASTM C 1017 standards. Flowing concrete is usually used for placing thin sections or in areas of solid reinforcing steel to reduce handling costs, explained by (Dawood and Ramli 2010). To produce flowable concrete, it is necessary to use a superplasticizer so that the cement particles can be suspended evenly and separated into fine particles in the concrete mixture. Based on the research results, it shows that the addition of coconut fiber ash with percentages of 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5% and 10% with superplasticizer of 1.5% of the cement weight to determine the compressive strength of the concrete. The coconut fiber ash test object used acts as an additive in the optimum concrete mixture. The sample used was a 15 x 30 cm cylinder for testing the compressive strength of coconut fiber ash at the age of 7 days, 14 days and 28 days. The test results showed that with the addition of coconut fiber ash, the compressive strength of the concrete experienced fluctuations up and down at mixed percentages of 2.5% and 5%, while at percentages of 7.5% and 10% it tended to decrease compared to normal concrete.</em></strong></p>2024-06-25T10:15:24+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KETERSEDIAAN AIR BERDASARKAN DATA HUJAN SATELIT GPM DI DAS MESJID KOTA DUMAI2024-06-25T13:00:44+07:00Manyuk Fauzi[email protected]Muhammad Wildan Pahlevi[email protected]Rinaldi Rinaldi[email protected]Yohanna Lilis Handayani[email protected]Ermiyati Ermiyati[email protected]Husnah Husnah[email protected]<p><em>The use of clean water is a basic necessity for the population in Indonesia, where it serves various purposes such as drinking, hydrology, and irrigation. Therefore, it is crucial in the infrastructure for providing clean water. Rainfall is one of the sources of water, and in the development planning of existing water resources, field discharge data is essential. Field data includes rainfall, climatology, and water level. Due to data limitations, accuracy becomes a challenge in hydrological modeling. Thus, the use of satellite rainfall data is deemed necessary as an alternative for hydrological modeling. In this case, Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) satellite data is utilized. The modeling employs Mock and Rainrun models, and the results show that the Coefficient of Correlation (R) is significantly low for both Mock and Rainrun models. For Nash-Sutcliffe Coefficient (NSE), the Mock model yields scheme 1 = 0.506, scheme 2 = 0.555, scheme 3 = 0.578, and scheme 4 = 0.431, meeting the average criteria. The Rainrun model's NSE values are scheme 1 = 0.505, scheme 2 = 0.582, scheme 3 = 0.506, and scheme 4 = 0.501, also meeting the average criteria.</em></p>2024-06-25T10:31:03+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## MANAJEMEN PEMELIHARAAN BANGUNAN HOTEL X DI PADANG UNTUK MENCAPAI EFISIENSI BIAYA DAN WAKTU2024-06-25T13:00:44+07:00Muhammad Ilham Maulana[email protected]Hanif Sufran[email protected]Merley Misriani[email protected]Rahmi Hidayati[email protected]Jumyetti Jumyetti[email protected]<table width="576"> <tbody> <tr> <td width="447"> <p>Every building needs maintenance on every component of the building. Before carrying out maintenance activities, planning is required for every aspect of maintenance in the building. Good planning can ensure achieving goals in carrying out maintenance that utilizes costs and time efficiently. This study aims to plan the implementation of hotel building maintenance to achieve cost efficiency and maintenance time. The implementation methods include making SOPs, checklist forms, cost planning and maintenance schedules. Planning for SOP is made by adding existing SOP from the hotel to several SOPs from ministerial regulations that the hotel has not implemented. Planning checklist forms, costs and maintenance schedules made for architectural, mechanical and electrical work are limited to a period of 1 year and use ministerial regulation no. 24/PRT/M/2008 to check its suitability with implementation in the field. This research shows that hotel building maintenance management planning is better than before. The maintenance management plan created is expected to help the hotel carry out maintenance activities efficiently and utilize costs and time.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>2024-06-25T10:43:23+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## RASIO ALKALI AKTIVATOR DALAM CAMPURAN TANAH-POFA BERDASARKAN UJI TEKAN BEBAS2024-06-25T13:00:44+07:00Muhammad Toyeb[email protected]Puspa Ningrum[email protected]<p><strong><em>Modern soil stabilization has included environmentally friendly materials in the mixture design. Adding an alkali activator provides an alternative to the innovation of the binder agent for soil stabilization. This study aims to know the effect of adding the alkali activator soluble for soil-POFA mixture on changes in the soil strength characteristic through an unconfined compression test (UCT). The alkali activators are sodium silica (Na2SiO3) and Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH). They prepare with a ratio Si/Al: 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and NaOH concentrated at 10M. Compressive strength to the soil-POFA mixture obtained slightly increased strength, and the soil is clayey sand poorly graded. However, adding the alkali activator increases the soil strength significantly. Thus, the soil-POFA with the alkali activators gained the maximum compressive strength on a ratio of 2.5, and it all has the characteristic of rapid hardening in the initial period as a binder agent.</em></strong></p>2024-06-25T10:47:17+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement## PERILAKU DEFORMASI VERTIKAL BERDASARKAN HASIL PEMANTAUAN MULTILAYER SETTLEMENT SAAT PELAKSANAAN TIMBUNAN BENDUNGAN AMERORO2024-06-25T13:00:44+07:00Alfian Arbie Simbolon[email protected]Sri Prabandiyani Retno Wardani[email protected]Suharyanto Suharyanto[email protected]<p><em>The Ameroro Dam, located in Southeast Sulawesi, was built by the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing and is currently still in the process of filling. Dam deformation actually started to occur during the dam construction process and then continued during the dam's operational period after construction was completed. Therefore, it is very important to observe and analyze the deformation of the dam body since the construction period to avoid dam failure in the future. This research aims to identify the vertical internal deformation behavior of the Ameroro Dam based on data from Multilayer Settlement monitoring results. The identification is intended to assess the normal or abnormal behavior of the core zone of the dam embankment using reading data from the Multilayer Settlement instrument installed at the Ameroro Dam to determine its deformation behavior based on empirical references. The reading graph of the Multilayer Settlement monitoring results shows that the bottom magnetic plate of IMS 1-8 has experienced a stagnant decline at the embankment elevation of +88.50 m so that it is predicted that at the next embankment increase the deformation will be stable. The normal limit referred to is when the height of the embankment is less than 50 m, the total settlement is generally in the order of less than 1% to 2.5%. From the results of the analysis, the settlement value at the core of the Ameroro Dam that occurred was still within normal limits.</em></p>2024-06-25T11:00:55+07:00##submission.copyrightStatement##