Analysis of Calcium Levels in Maman and Fermented Maman (Cleome gynandra L)

  • Fathul Jannah Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau
  • Syafrisar Meri Agritubella Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau
  • Ira Oktaviani RZ Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau
  • Rahimatul Uthia Poltekkes Kemenkes Riau


Calcium is an important micronutrient that helps prevent stunting. It plays a crucial role in bone growth. Maman (Cleome gynandra L.) is a local plant that grows in the Riau province and is used by local people as a fermented food. To utilize this local plant, it is necessary to analyze its nutrients, including calcium levels. Calcium analysis was carried out using a quantitative descriptive method with an atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Validation of the atomic absorption spectrophotometry method yielded a correlation coefficient (r) of 0.9997, with calcium levels in maman leaves and fermented maman being 3132.33 mg/g and 1976.31 mg/g, respectively.

Keywords: Calcium, Cleome gynandra L, Fermented Maman


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How to Cite
Jannah, F., Agritubella, S., RZ, I., & Uthia, R. (2024). Analysis of Calcium Levels in Maman and Fermented Maman (Cleome gynandra L). JOPS (Journal Of Pharmacy and Science), 7(2), 247-255. Retrieved from