Call For Papers
The Open Submission for the volume future 10 no 2 Juli 2025
Open Journal Systems (OJS) is an open source solution for managing and publishing scientific journals online. OJS is a very flexible journal management and publishing system that can be downloaded for free and installed on a local Web server. It has been designed to reduce the time and energy devoted to administrative and managerial tasks related to editing journals, while increasing the recording and efficiency of the editorial process. It aims to improve the quality of publishing scientific and public journals through a number of innovations, from making journal policies more transparent to improving indexing. Here's how to submit it to a scientific journal. Scientific journals used using the OJS journal Open Journal System CMS) Version 3.
first step, visit the journal URL link RABIT then click on the Register menu located at the top right of your personal data entry,
register is done for the first time sending articles in the RABIT journal, if you have already sent articles then simply select the login menu only and log in using an existing account.
after registering, select the Dashboard menu located on the top right like the image below, if the dashboard menu / profile view does not exist then you have not logged in,
After you login, then select the New Submission button, see the image below
Next, the image below will appear, select the article, then check everything below, see the image below, if you have click Save and Continue
then upload the article according to the template provided by the RABIT web. Upload articles with the extension doc, docx, odt, or rft. see the picture below
then in the component article select article text
after the article text is selected, the command will upload the article upload, upload the article with the extension doc, docx, odt, or rft. after the article is uploaded successfully then click continue
click continue again
click complete.
click Save and continue
then on enter metadata, fill in the title and abstract of your article, fill in the data that is mandatory
click Finish Submission
Your article has been successfully submitted to the editor, to see the results of the contribution you can click on the submission menu
The Open Submission for the volume future 10 no 2 Juli 2025
Dear Prof./Dr./Researcher
Jurnal RABIT, periode terbitan Januari, Juli, saat ini sudah terakreditasi SINTA 4, Penerbit LPPM Universitas Abdurrab mengundang bpk/ibu
Editorial Office :
Jl. Riau Ujung No. 73 Pekanbaru Riau Telp.(0761) 38762 - 08117714800
Website Jurnal:
Website Jurnal Univrab :
Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
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