• Darsono Nababan Program Studi Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Timor
  • Valeriano Fajar Alexandro Nipu Universitas Timor
  • Rizald Rizald Universitas Timor
  • Budiman Baso Universitas Timor
  • Diki Arisandi Universitas Abdurrab


Smart Greenhouse, a concept terminology in the 4.0 revolution era that is currently rife at this time to build smart greenhouses. Intelligence that can be implemented is easy monitoring and control with the Microcomputer, namely the Raspberry Pi as a running program and the parameters are Air Temperature, Air Humidity, UV Light and Soil Moisture. Where the application is the observation and control of the three sensors in the Smart Greenhouse so that they can be used as effectively as possible. These three parameters were studied for 1 week, taken through a tool at 08:00-16:00 WITA. The total dataset is 500 series with 4 variables. This forecast uses the moving average method. The evaluation used was MSE and RMSE with the results of the temperature and humidity sensor (DHT22) of 0.466, the uv sensor (GUVA-S112SD) of 56.198, and the soil moisture sensor (Capital Soil Moisture) of 65025.0.

Kata Kunci: IoT, Mikrokomputer, Raspberry Pi, Rumah kaca, Forecasting



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